LOL LAW forever

It’s amazing not one judge is willing to take control of the situation and remand him into custody until jury selection. It’s gotta be perfectly legal to do so given the literal danger he poses with his rhetoric. The fear of perceived optics allow him to get away with anything

There is no good reason to remand Trump. He’s not going to run, he’s not going to attack anyone.

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You don’t think his incessant rhetoric poses a danger to a judge, juror, prosecutor or one of their family members by inciting one of his cult base?

If I’m the judge I’m ignoring it. Just get the trial done.

If they remand him he is going to use that to fan the flames. Try to delay the trial with all kinds of trash

Look Biden is imprisoning his political rival etc.

This is why it’s dumb they waited so long. If they remanded him in June of 2022 it’s different.

You have said some truly stupid things on here but this takes the cake. He already incited a fucking insurrection. Can’t wait for your posts after one of the judges is murdered and you are on here telling us all how it’s perfectly ok. Everything is just fine. We should calm down.

Jesus Christ. Stop fucking posting.

Not sure what you’re so worked up about. There are laws against murdering judges, and its a very serious offense that will be prosecuted at light speed.


You should calm down, because you sound stupid trying to tell Americans how our own laws and government function. Furthermore, do you even have enough awareness to realize how insulting it is to be in an US-based group and constantly hear non-Americans say how shitty we are?

If you don’t like us, that’s for you to fucking deal with.

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The awful things you all do affects the rest of us so no I won’t pretend America is some shining city on the hill when it’s actually a cancer eating at the core of global democracy.

How can you possibly be a regular poster here and still have some bizarre American patriotic streak that has been triggered!


It must suck for you to be so close to Armageddon and not to be able to do anything about it.

It does. Not as bad as being someone who could do something about it but choosing to believe a fairytale will save you instead of taking actual action.

So, you basically have no insight on why people might not want marginally-informed foreigners shitting over their culture?

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Marginally informed :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Clovis (and any other poster here) would be a top 1% most informed American citizen when it comes to politics


“Marginally-informed” :grin:

Inb4, HU4Rollz.

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Wait, what culture am I supposed to be offended that is being attacked? What the hell is going on here?

Shitting on foreigners while proclaiming our own greatness is American culture

Very meta


Posters here like iron are so triggering to me for two reasons. First, I was them but second, and more importantly, it scares the fucking shit out of me that a regular poster here could still think the system works and will save us. If that is true how is there any hope the less informed American is going to wake up to the coming fascist tsunami!

It’s the fact that we are all so knowledgeable about the system that scares me so much when people talk about the system working in the US.

I’ll admit, it causes me to get pissed too much but he is right about one thing. The frustration that I have zero levers to pull to change anything triggers me most of all.

Posters like iron are triggering to you because you’re addicted to being triggered.


Thanks for the armchair analysis.

perpetual cynicism is a progressive disease also

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I agree but I don’t think it is a fair critique of what is going on here. The criticism of the US is not cynicism, it’s just realism.

For example, while Canada is far from perfect you don’t see me making countless doom posts about it here. We have our issues and our own home grown MAGA idiots but overall our system has been mostly self correcting and appears to be moving forward more than backwards.

The same just can’t be said of the US. I wish it could but I just don’t see where someone would find the evidence to support that point.