LOL LAW forever

Personally I agree and think he made a fantastic argument for his case.

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My body, my choice.

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lol douchewitz

Just light an entire career on fire for Donald fucking Trump and act shocked when the house fills with smoke

Dude that got beaten into a coma, served a 2-year sentence that eventually got tossed by the USSC is getting charged again because he asked questions about when he can sue the mofos that nearly killed him. The eventual 5-4 episode detailing how the same court that tossed his conviction twisted itself into a fucking :pretzel: to ensure the pigs that beat him don’t suffer any consequences should be good.

Last month, Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgaard and Smith, one of the nation’s largest law firms, was rocked by the announcement that two top partners were starting their own boutique practice and taking as many as 140 colleagues with them.

The shock inside Lewis Brisbois’ downtown Los Angeles headquarters soon gave way to anger as the recently departed partners embarked on a press campaign that portrayed their former employer as a profit-focused legal mill that ground down the aspirations of its lawyers.

“We decided we didn’t want to compromise anymore,” one of the partners, John Barber, told a reporter in May. The other, Jeff Ranen, recalled giving a rousing “Jerry Maguire speech” to convince colleagues to follow him out the door.

But over the weekend, Lewis Brisbois struck back.

In an extraordinary move, its management team directed the release of scores of emails in which Barber and Ranen used vile terms for women, Black people, Armenians, Persians, and gay men and traded in offensive stereotypes of Jews and Asians. In one fell swoop, the venerable firm managed to torpedo its new rival, destroy the defecting partners’ careers and send the legal establishment reeling.

The emails, stretching back 15 years, were head-spinning in their coarseness and vitriol. A Superior Court judge was called “Sugar Tits.” Multiple female lawyers were referred to as “c—t.” The epithets “fag” and “faggot” were deployed as all-purpose insults. An Asian job applicant was denigrated for the supposed size of his genitalia. Ranen dismissed another job candidate with, “How about someone who’s not a Jew.”

Surprise: senior partners at enormous law firm were racist, misogynist, anti-semitic, assholes. Which was fine with the enormous law firm until they left to start a competitor.


My sense of this firm is that it started or grew very fast in the last decade without much quality control, often doing insurance defense work. I’m not that surprised by this from such an “entrepreneurial” law firm.

Yeah, totally isolated. No cultural problems in BigLaw.



I also fucking love when BigLaw people look down on other BigLaw people for their practice group. Like “oh yeah they do insurance defense LOL!” when they’re working for the most transparently evil corporations on the fucking planet. Michael Clayton was a documentary.

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Only professions worse are financemorans(easily worst) and techbros. Maybe doctorchodes


Oh and small business ownerasses

Car Dealership owners

Right? It’s like when rich people serve wealthy people’s finances in South Carolina while being unbelievably bitter about not being wealthy themselves

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well I got no idea who the worst is, just that every one of them has a ton of real shitty people. We humans just plain suck.

The case dates back to January 2021 when the plaintiffs — Derek Tucson, Robin Snyder, Monsieree de Castro and Erik Moya-Delgado — protested Seattle police by writing statements like “[Expletive] the Police” in charcoal and chalk on a temporary concrete wall outside of Seattle’s East Precinct. According to Braden Pence, an attorney representing the plaintiffs, the first person was arrested after writing “peaceful protest” on the wall with a piece of coal.

The law “is written in a way that maybe, if the police were reasonable and could be trusted to exercise their discretion in a just way, it wouldn’t have ever become a problem,” Pence said. “But the fact is they can’t be trusted.”

Based judge

Oh no. How will those dbags afford coke?

Looks like the S. Ct. May have just hollowed out the Winters Doctrine that is fundamental to Tribes establishing their water rights for reservation lands.