LOL LAW forever

This kinda feels like LOL LAW.


Does anyone think a class action lawsuit against lawyers and the justice system writ large for how class action lawsuits are handled has legs? Or did I smoke one too many marijuanas?

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Class action lawsuits only benefit lawyers. Its such a sham. You get 5 bucks. Lawyers get millions.

Bad things aren’t necessarily illegal or punishable via lawsuit.

Class actions benefit society overall though. It’s basically freelance private regulation enforcement. It’s doesn’t benefit the plaintiffs in the suit much though.

It really doesn’t benefit society either. Class actions don’t deter anything. Meaningful regulation that skips the stupid ass rent seeking lawyers and holds actual individuals accountable would work. Like if experian did that and the CFBP could just levy a fine and demand the firing of relevant executives that would actually matter. See: Europe.

Europe’s regulatory system is better. More and better regulation can exist with class action lawsuits and would make them more rare. In the absense of good regulations though, class actions are better than the alternatives which is why, even if they’re a bit scummy I can’t hate on them too much.

The class action attorneys will at least be going for the jugular, even if the proceeds aren’t mostly going to the harmed. Government fines usually seem to be less than the company gained via the illegal behavior.


:kermit: :kermit: :kermit:


The rules are the same for rich people and poor people, whether you are rich or poor you can hire a team of expensive lawyers to grind the legal machine to a halt!


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Standard lol law here


Follow up



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if we’re going to give you an award for stealing money from children with cancer you better at least finish the job!..

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Domestic abusers can now own guns. Since the framers didn’t give a fuck about domestic violence and it was rife during the 1700s, it shouldn’t matter now either.

Guess which circuit we have to thank!

This is happening because since the election the court is GOP-controlled, so they’re just like “yeah we are going to rehear those cases you just heard and change the result, what are you going to do about it”.

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@NotBruceZ what are you going to do about this

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I’m no law bro, but if they want to overturn how hard is it for the machine to just manufacture a new case and get it before the new SC. Even if the new case is vaguely related, they can just use it to overturn the old decision (I think).

It seems like they maybe shaved a year of off what would have happened anyway.

See “NO, fuck you” as to why.

LOL DoJ. This ties in with their decision to DEFEND Trump and claim he was acting in his official capacity as POTUS when he defamed E. Jean Carroll. How is life under your desk, Merrick?