LOL LAW forever

It’s true, if Trump is re-elected she may have just earned herself a seat on the Supreme Court. At a minimum shell make it to the 11th circuit.

If he wins he isn’t delegating judges to Mitch again. It won’t be Federalist Society tools, it will be Sydney Powell and Rudy.

Rudy on SCOTUS is the only logical end to this timeline really.

senate still has to vote on judges

If I were a Dem Senator I’d be tempted to confirm him, he’d be 80 years old and he’s already melting.

They would do this and he’d live to be 100


Ah well


This guy is the worst.

I can’t imagine writing a self-serving story that made me look like such an idiot. To start, he doesn’t seem to understand how recruiting works.

It seems that UT Law had botched its dean search the previous year and so was casting I wider net. Would I be interested in applying? (Actually, I think he asked whether I knew anyone who might be interested, but given that Glenn knows more professors than I do—and certainly all of the libertarian/conservative ones—it was clear that he was taking my temperature.)

That parenthetical seems like a really important distinction - he was not in any way targeted for this position!

I put these materials together over the course of a couple of weeks, including a key push at the home of my Louisville law professor friend Luke Milligan, where I spent a week with my sons this past August. (I vividly remember waking up early in his carriage house to articulate my leadership philosophy before getting a start on a day full of speaking engagements and bourbon-drinking.) And I sent them off around Labor Day.

Sounds like an immense amount of effort!

at some point it became clear that I wouldn’t even be invited for a first-round interview.

How shocking, that someone whose only academic experience is a few years as an adjunct professor was not taken seriously as a dean candidate.

I was pissed off. Not because I wouldn’t get to be dean—that was a fun day dream for a while, but I knew that this would be an uphill climb as an unconventional candidate—but because they’d wasted my time.

Very understandable - it sucks to not be considered for a job, especially after working for “a couple of weeks” to get your materials together.

I’d devoted 15-20 hours to this enterprise


I’m sure he’s not bitter about the person they selected.

The search committee, desperate to get a diversity hire, ended up picking someone who leveraged her offer to get a better one elsewhere.


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This made me lol. I mean does the guy not even know how academia or businesses in general works? You don’t move up into management after a few years at the bottom rungs. All these clowns are the same, blaming their ineptitude on minorities and liberal policy. His poor friend was just asking if a guy conservative circles might know a conservative academic with a pedigree to be a dean and he’s like

Wink, gotcha bro, I’m hearing what you’re saying loud and clear


This was more depressing than I expected.

Referring to:

This is kind of core LOL LAW here:

“For the bulk of my career,” he said, “I’ve felt I could fairly explain rulings and opinions that I don’t endorse because they rested on coherent and plausible—if to me unconvincing—grounds. In recent years, though, I’ve increasingly struggled to present new holdings as the product of dispassionate legal reasoning rather than personal agendas.”

This is explicitly saying that the job of a law professor is to take rulings and launder them by rejecting political or other agenda-driven explanations and endorsing tortured legal arguments as the “real explanation” instead. You are doing a good job as a professor to the extent that you can convince students of this and he’s annoyed because recent rulings are so mask-off as to make this laundering job impossible.


For the most part, decisions and arguments represent honest interpretation of precedent.
