LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

For fuck’s sake dude he retweeted Trump basically saying we should beat the shit out of protesters, and he’s running in a Democratic primary in a city where the police tear gassed peaceful protesters.

Let’s go to the tape:


Nice dunk iron!


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Adding urgency to the recent concerns: If Democrats retain control of the Senate next year, Feinstein will succeed retiring Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy as the Senate’s president pro tem — putting her third in line for the presidency.

Hitting too close Nancy?

Pelosi said it was “unconscionable that, just weeks after losing her beloved husband of more than four decades and after decades of outstanding leadership to our City and State, she is being subjected to these ridiculous attacks that are beneath the dignity in which she has led and the esteem in which she is held.”

Probably don’t have to worry about that.


Honestly, the less time they spend engrossed in DC culture the better, imo. If he’s flying a plane or, hell, at home beating off on his couch that’s less time for him to be exposed to the consultants and think tank people and lobbyists.

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I love how she’s like egregiously mentally incompetent at this point and nobody has the guts to say so and put their name on it. Like, shit, there were leaks like this before she ran for re-election and nobody had the guts to stop her.

She’s going to keep holding that seat until she dies, whether that’s at 88, 98, or 108, or until she gets beat.

She won her last runoff 55-44 against another Dem with lolObama endorsing her. Thanks, Obama!

I know it’s cool (and well deserved) to rip on Washington, but this is a bad take.
Even assuming your argument that staying out of town lets him stay pure and uncorrupted by “the swamp”, what good does that do if he’s not exercising that independence in any way?

If you’re just delegating your vote and peacing out, whether you personally have been influenced by the lobbyists doesn’t matter, because you’re mostly just going to vote the way the party tells you to anyway because you haven’t been there to read the bill or talk to people who might change your mind. The ultimate systemic outcome is still the same.

I’m not sure that an individual first term rep can have much impact, but the only way they possibly can is to actually show up and do the real work of trying to shape bills before they get passed, asking real questions in committee hearings instead of just giving speeches, and building relationships with other Congresspeople who have similar goals than you so that y’all can actually change things, especially when you become more senior.

Not to mention all the behind the scenes legit constituent services that offices really do (like helping people navigate through various bureaucracies like the SSA or VA) that isn’t happening or is being done poorly because it’s hard to expect a 22 year old staffer to care about the job when their boss has so much disdain for it that they can’t even show up.

It’s a particularly bad look for Kahele because one of his main arguments when he was campaigning was that he would be the anti-Tulsi (who was seen as ignoring her Congressional gig in favor of focusing on the Presidential run). I think spending a year talking about how you’re really going to do the work and then not even bothering to show up for most of your first term is way more corrosive than having a few more meetings with lobbyists.

Finally, if he is planning on running again, I’m willing to bet that one part of the job he is still focused on is the fundraising calls, so I’m not even sure that not being physically present in Washington is doing much to maintain his purity.


Is there literally no one who can run a primary campaign against Feinstein? I get entrenched power and all but at some point it’s just lol voters if they’re going to keep voting her in. It’s not like her diminished capacity has been any kind of a secret.

Her own staffers telling us she can’t do the job. WORLD’S OLDEST DEMOCRACY!

It’s this. Her last primary challenger was a decent candidate IIRC and ran a reasonable, well funded campaign. People are just obsessed with dinosaur resumes.


Feinstein could have been unseated by a Democrat attacking her from the right who Republicans would be willing to vote for in a general election.

Im assuming this isn’t true because if the complaint is that Democrats are being run by ultra liberal young kids then this idea wouldn’t have gotten out of committee.

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Same dipshits that are screaming “Putin’s price hike GOT EM”

:white_check_mark: Dems Deliver
:white_check_mark: Putin’s Price Hike
:white_check_mark: Abbott’s Supply Chain Surcharge
:white_check_mark: Cockamamie Consultants


The scene is a meeting room in Washington, DC. 10 or 15 of the best and brightest Democratic party strategists, consultants, and leaders are gathered around the table.

Party chair Jamie Harrison: “Listen up, we’re really fucked. Between gerrymandering, voter suppression, a failure to do anything popular, and structural disadvantages, it looks like we’re on the verge of losing our democracy for good to a lunatic far-right party that thinks the reanimated corpose of JFK Jr is leading a global revolution against rampant pedophilia. We have to come up with something brilliant to stop these nutjobs.”

Aide: “Single payer?”

Everyone laughs.

“Voting rights?”

Everyone groans.


Harrison: “Brilliant! I think we’re done here!”


Her progressive opponent got 5M to her 6M in the last election. Both Dems because of CAs primary system.


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