LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


He’s right about one thing: more people should be discussing ideas and trying to prevent what appears to be our most likely outcome: living in a white Christian ethno-theocratic state where women are second class citizens.

But his idea sucks.

Fyp. Yea women are going to be second class, but there are going to be lots of groups who drop to third and fourth class as well.

Yeah I figured the white Christian ethnostate part covered all of the other marginalized groups.

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Please try to be more precise about exactly what type of post apocalyptic hellscape you are talking about, this is a Serious Forum.


I’m talking about a very serious hellscape, in which the severity and seriousness of the shittiness is only matched by the incredible diversity of suckiness.

I’m talking shitting on anyone who’s not a straight Christian white male, huge hurricanes, massive wildfires, droughts for years, rising oceans, floods, disease, food shortages, and lunatics on every corner with red hats blaming the people who’s rights they’re shitting all over and Hillary Clinton for every last bit of it.

It’s going to be so apocalyptic I don’t know if we can even call it post-apocalyptic. It’ll be more like perma-apocalyptic.

Oh, but gas will be cheap! (For a few years, at least.)

I mean, ok, sure in theory. But Democrats ARENT EVEN MAKING THE CASE THAT WERE IN SUCH A CRISIS. Their pitch is “things are back to normal because we worked with republicans” and, barring that, “elect us we will be nice to Republicans and make them behave slightly less destructively.”

To run on a save democracy ticket you have to first make the case democracy is in peril. They can’t even bring themselves to do that. Not to mention, they control everything and did JACK FUCKING SHIT TO EVEN ENSURE FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS. All the Logan Roy fuck offs.

Also, bad take alert:

I was being more funny than serious. I mean we’re pretty fucked in a bunch of ways, but it’s still going to be a long slow boil, it’s not all going to happen overnight.

Dems: Vote for us we’ll work with Republicans, they’re not so bad (so it’s not so bad if you vote for them!)

GOP: Vote for us, Democrats are child-grooming pedophiles who hate America and made up covid in a Ukrainian biolab and they want to make your white children cry and feel guilty over slavery 150 years ago! (So if you vote for them we’re all gonna lose everything)



Wait, promising stuff to young people if they vote for you then yelling them to fuck off when you win makes them less likely to vote for you again? Who could have possibly seen that coming?

And of course instead of doing good things, they’ll pay pollsters to try to find ways to dupe young voters again.

But in fairness to them, they’re very well compensated and doing good things for normal people is definitely NOT in the job description. They’re very good at their jobs.

Won’t it basically be like Russia then? (even pre Russian invasion). Did we all think Russia was a post apocalyptic hellscape before the invasion of Ukraine?

“We expect March CPI headline inflation to be extraordinarily elevated due to Putin’s price hike,” Psaki told reporters.

We really are going with “Putin’s Price Hike”? Wow.


Dems Deliver! Putin’s Price Hike!

Coming soon:

Republicans Reek!

This is what happens when leadership is all in their 70s. They still probably chuckle every time they hear “Where’s the Beef?”


Some interesting reporting on Biden’s milquetoast support of voting rights compared to his full court press of BBB even though both fell flat on their face.

I can’t help but think of Dr Poop when I picture the dem consultants coming up with astonishingly lame catchphrases like “Putin’s Price Hike.” Just worthless, clueless, but professional and expensive


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I can’t figure out why the party that ran not one, but TWO, billionaires in the last Presidential primary is not fully embracing inclusive populism. Weird!

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I guess this goes here, because it’s pretty laughable… Apparently the Rep who replaced Tulsi has decided to peace out of DC. He has had someone else vote for him via proxy in every vote since January, and he is still at least occassionally working his day job as a pilot for Hawaiian Airlines.

(And the best nugget from the first article is that there are 3 other Dems who have taken every vote by proxy this year. Now, maybe that just means they are outsourcing the vote to have more free time for other work, but I’m not @SweetSummerChild , so I kinda doubt it).