LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop


Voters who received expanded child tax credits payments in 2021 ended the year more likely than not to support Democratic candidates for Congress in this year’s midterm elections. But months after that benefit expired, a new Morning Consult/Politico survey shows Republicans have made up that ground.

Grass is still green and WAASF.

I mean Democrats deserve to lose. They deserve to lose badly. The only thing they’ve truly delivered for the average American is a shitty and bullshit motto.

The problem is they’re going to lose to fucking monsters who are even worse, because the average swing voter is a low-information moron who doesn’t really compare the two parties, they just make it a referendum on the party in power that’s focused on the last 6-12 months. Being a swing voter between today’s two parties basically requires being a low information moron.

I suppose the good news is that if the GOP continues to outlaw abortion, attack gay marriage, and make child marriage legal, they’ll possibly manage to overreach their ability to rig by creating such a colossal blue wave against them.

Of course when the Dems then fail to reverse any of that shit because they still won’t pack SCOTUS, they’ll get wiped out again in 2-4 years anyway.

Weird. These things sure do sneak up on you.

Fuck this guy so hard. He got EXACTLY WHAT HE FUCKING WANTED, a moderate president and a party that doesn’t do literally anything progressive on policy, and he STILL FUCKING BLAMES THE LEFT FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU

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What the hell. just redirects to I wanted to know what won

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Truly astonishing NYC elects two complete imbeciles back to back. And on the heels of lol Bloomberg and Rudy!

i don’t quite remember, did it come down to adams and andrew yang or someone else? lol nyc indeed.

It was a multi way ranked choice primary. Yang received the 4th most first place votes behind Kathryn Garcia (the former Sanitation Commissioner) and Maya Wiley (a prominent civil rights attorney)

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Nice little story in our local media.

Putting electronic trackers on asylum seekers will address those valid, good-faith security concerns of moderate Republicans. This is exactly the sort of thing that will cause them to switch sides during the midterms! And your constituents will definitely understand that the gradual increase in gestapo-like electronic surveillance and deportations is in the best interests of society in general.

Well done as usual, Democrats.

If X, blame progressives.

If Y, blame progressives.

If Z, blame progressives.

In the absence of X, Y, or Z, blame progressives!


I’m so fucking tired of these eDem fossils



Lol these fuckers are going to start voting for GOP nominees and getting stonewalled when they nominate someone. Fucking brilliant!