LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

Day 1: scream, grab his cocktail, bizarrely storm out

Day 2: condescendingly badger KBJ in an effort to smear her for lightly sentencing child porn offenders, get owned, then babble well past his time being up while the lol dems just sit there sighing

The whole thing is a gambit to paint everybody who votes for her as a child-porn tolerating, racist-baby hating, far left ANTIFA radical BLMer.

I have more tolerance for kiddie porn than I do for some of these senators.

this is way more ambitious than reality, they literally are just mugging to get on Hannity. maybe they get the nominee angry and she gaffes and they can show that on Fox too, but that’s just a bonus and not the primary goal.

like, watch when Sasse says it out loud. Cruz is literally sitting right next to him and he doesn’t even raise an eyebrow. Do you think for a minute that Hawley is shook by getting owned? Oh no they exposed my ruse! He doesn’t give a fuck becuase KJB owning him is never going to be seen by the audience he’s performing for.


And Leahy stood up to the Joker, so it must’ve been bad.

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Sad to see Republicans use the same old smears


lol axelrod go fuck yourself


huh weird, insurance companies turned out to be leopards



Dems are so galacticly astronomically indescribably stupid.

When others are likely yelling “Go voting rights!” or “Go bridges and infrastructure!” I’m yelling “Go fiscal conservatism and the reduction of the national deficit!”

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Complicit, not stupid.

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The best use of this is when interacting with the educated, rich conservatives, who claim that they had no choice but to vote Trump. Nearly 100% of the time they are super concerned about the deficit and always say “how are we going to pay for it” (when “it” is anything other than tax breaks for themselves). Watching them do some mental gymnastics to dismiss this fact is often good for a chuckle. Obviously it’s not actually changing anyone’s mind.

Why are people jumping on a tweet where that’s a good thing if we reduce the deficit?

you all live in a fucked up world where apparently every tweet have to be some inspiring bullshit like 95% of it is I guess

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No it’s not that. It’s that it’s part of a broader pattern of constantly trying to win votes by winning over largely imaginary Persuadable Republicans.


There’s no evidence it’s a good thing at all. In a semi functional society maybe you could argue it is but Dems reduce the deficit by cutting much needed social programs then Reps get in and blow it all and more on tax cuts for billionaires.


It’s only a thing because Democrats have failed to pass nearly every campaign promise, so no I wouldn’t consider it good.

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Exactly, the system works.

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