lol 51st state Thread

I’ve never even heard of that show before but that lady third from the left is awful. A caricature.

Few Americans actually know that if you break the law in Canada the Supreme Court puts you on their naughty list and doesn’t give you that Xbox you asked for.

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wait is that your supreme court? Really?

narrows eyes suspiciously

By my estimation your incredulity is likely coming from one of three things:

  1. Their holly jolly attire;
  2. The relative lack of grey hair; or
  3. Where’s the powdered wigs?

It’s a nice gender and age mix, but awfully pale.

Sure? Maybe? It’s complicated?

Canada isn’t America.

Lets say generously that it takes 25 years of legal study + work to get on the SCC. In 1996 Canada was 11% visible minorities (mostly Asian, 2% black) and roughly 3% self-identifying indigenous people.

I could see an argument for there being a permanent seat for an indigenous Justice.

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Any day with some BLACK ROD is a good day.

Scheer OUT

The Ontario emergency alert system sent a message to every cell this morning about an issue at a local nuclear plant.

Turns out it was sent by mistake.

Oops. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Telling us it was a mistake is exactly what they would say in a cover up. I’m assuming this is a full blown Chernobyl.

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I know people in the industry, my wife got a text within 15 minutes of the alert from a coworker saying someone at the emergency alert centre hit the wrong button

Before that happened my wife had the ability to log in to her work computer and check the levels of everything at the plant, but wasn’t worried enough to do it and actually started reading up as to why she got the message when she lives 25 km from the plant. I guess she knew something was wrong from the alert system and not the plant.

-39 C today. Lol Canada!

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More like Lolberta. Going up to 0 here in Ottawa tomorrow.

It would be a lot warmer everywhere if Canada would adopt the superior Fahrenheit temperature scale.



I think -39 is where they both match actually.

Close. -40 C = -40 F

All of the east coast is buried in snow right now. Gas stations are wiping blood from the snack aisle floor as desperate Newfoundlanders fight over the last storm chips.

So it’s a normal Friday in January?

Reports of a woman ski-dooing herself to the hospital to deliver a baby.

Got to see Come From Away last night

Story is about Gander, Newfoundland and how this small town took in and cared for thousands of passengers who were diverted there after US airspace was closed on September 11th.

:heart: Canada

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