lol 51st state Thread

I want to vote for Scheer if he wasn’t anti carbon tax and pro brexit. I find the Raybould scandals appalling, but I don’t see a better choice

Terrible idea. Voting is about being pragmatic, not purity. Side by side, it is an easy choice for Trudeau, depending on your riding. Is he perfect? Of course not. Is he better in nearly every way compared to Sheer. Of course.

I’d prefer to vote for the ndp, and have most of my life. This election a vote for the ndp is civic malpractice for a progressive.

I think the NDP’s proposed budget is a disaster and a joke. I don’t consider them capable of governing, I really want a minority Liberal government so Mackay can come in and be PM in two years. My riding is assuredly Liberal with a minute chance of NDP, I may not have time to vote anyway since I have to curl after work

Going to be a late night. BC is going to matter for the first time in ages.

Also, this is fine. Our version of Sinclair Broadcasting.

30 people in line waiting for my poll station to open. Haven’t seen that before.

Not that it matters as my riding will go 90% conservative.

The NDP budget is nowhere near as much a disaster as the Conservative and they didnt wait until after advance voting was over to release it.

CBC just projected a liberal government.

CBC projects Liberal victory.

brag got lib majority on predictit at 6%

beat not enough money to brag about it and still a dog to get there

Break it down for ‘mericans, does that mean the blackface guy wins?

the libs are going to win, very likely a minority gov’t though.

Liberal minority projected now.

damn usually polls have a slight lib bias but conservatives are pretty far over some of them.

I think I’m happy with this, hope the Conservatives keep it close so Mackay will have a majority in 2 years, I didn’t have time to vote because someone stole my broom at the curling club and I spent 45 minutes looking for it instead of rushing to the polls. Want a left leaning Conservative that will fund the military, keep the carbon tax, get the pipelines built, increase immigration and refugees, acknowledge the Natives, lead internationally, and move the party left while keeping the core principles of super-anti corruption and brokering international free trade agreements, standing up to strong governments with horrible human rights abuses, like SA and China (need a military to have an impact)

Canada can’t do shit to China militarily anyway.

They need to be able to do things like they did in Afghanistan and Mali. Lead other countries, step in and provide leadership with the French and provide a voice to help the Kurds in the Middle East rather than remain silent.

Historically Canada has had many incredible military victories, just like the Australians, and other Commonwealth countries. During WWI and WWII they probably had the most feared infantry in the world(from a battalion perspective). Obviously we can’t do the groundwork other countries can due to manpower and equipment, but we can work together and form alliances with Europe to help move the world in a positive direction and we need the funding and leadership for that. ( We can stand up to Turkey (with other countries in the Middle East and at least do some damage to their military)

Bernier losing would be glorious.

conservatives are going to win pop vote

This is how you destroy trumpism.