lol 51st state Thread

lol wut, why? What other real subjects do you want to remove from the curriculum for your children to learn 1 of the hundreds of bullshit religions? Or are we just pretending there’s an infinite amount of time in the day, like Jesus with the bread and fish?

And no. Evidence suggests when we teach our 5 year olds bullshit they hold on to it, not critically examine it, hence the thousands of years of specifically doing that to propagate this nonsense in the first place. I’m not as confident in the ability of an average Albertan schoolteacher to offer our 5 year olds a full nuanced dialectic on religion instead of, you know, just shoving the very garbage they likely believe down kids’ throats.

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I don’t trust Alberta school teachers to present it well or to foster debate. I assure you they introduce “Greek myths” differently than they would Jesus, our lord and savior, provider of our precious oils and gases.

I knew not to question any of my teacher’s stupid beliefs as a kid, let alone their stupid religion. And I wonder how many Albertan parents would be okay if they spent time learning about a random sampling of 10 religions, or just the Q’ran and hadith, or anything else if they left out Jesus.

FTR around ~11 is when I first read through the bible, greek and norse mythology, other superstitions, etc. I don’t doubt the childrens’ capacity or curiousity, I doubt the teachers’ capabilities and intellectual honesty.


I’m not from a religious family and I’m not Catholic but I went to a Catholic school until grade 5 because the school offered French immersion. I don’t think it had an effect on me one way or the other and I’m certainly not religious in any way now. I don’t think kids really get indoctrinated into this stuff unless their parents are in to it and support it.

How do you think your average Albertan teacher will cover the crucifixion?

"So god sent himself down, then sacrificed himself, to himself, to atone for your sins, as per the rules he set up himself. So god is obviously evil, because punishing his son (himself?) for another person’s bad actions doesn’t make any sense and is morally repugnant.

If your brother stole a cookie, it would be evil for your parents to punish you, wouldn’t it? And even if you volunteered to take your brother’s spanking, they wouldn’t actually beat you instead, right?"

or will it be…

“And then god loved you so much he sacrificed his perfect son and washed away your wickedness. Isn’t that wonderful?!”

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“Much like Stephen Harper, Jesus was sent by God to save humanity from Satan (aka the Trudeaus).”

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The only song I remember from school is Louis la grenouille. Which, honestly, is pretty good.

“Madeline, au Quebec, que-est qu’elle va faire
Madeline a oublier son dictionaire…”

Pretty sure I made up half of those words but it’s been stuck in there for decades

I remember having religion class in, maybe, grade 2 or 3. We were split into Protestant and Catholic classes. I went to school on a Forces base, so I always thought that was why.

One of my earliest school memories was prayer time in that class, when all I could think of was, “This is stupid, what am I supposed to be doing?”

In which class did they put the Jewish and First Nation’s kids?

You were supposed to pray for no plague in 2020. Thanks alot!


Even if we grant that all children who are not already believers are immune to this, there are still so many other things wrong with state-sponsored and enforced religious “education”.

For starters do you think it will enforce the beliefs in those who already do believe?

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Will be helpful for the third pandemic though.

I would bet on Freeland vs. that field. She is clearly playing the insider Liberal game of lining up party support. She seems to me the kind of ruthless politician that will do something like somehow persuade the Green party to merge with the Liberals or something like that.

2027 is unforgivable bureaucratic nonsense. You could issue this as a design build have the engineer on it in 3 months and be under construction in late 2021 or early 2022. Be up and running in 2022.

The only thing stopping this is bureaucracy and money.

It’s funny how quickly attitudes have changed to the idea of Sanofi getting to expand up here. Super creepy passing by all the time imagining all the monkeys inside trying on lipstick or whatever. I assume that’s how science works.

Not quite that simple – there are inspections and licences needed before they can start manufacturing, even after they finish building it – but 6 years does seem way too long.

The up front and backend licensing and approval is what I do for a living. All of that is only slowed by money and bureaucracy. All the government has to do is say this facility takes precedent over any other approvals or applications. Hell they could even make a crown decision to waive all non-human health related approvals and licenses.

The health related inspections and licences were what I was referring to, because that’s what I do for a living.

I do agree that a six year timeframe is pretty ridiculous. And it’ll probably go over that — I mean, they’ll probably still be working on the Union Station renovations in Toronto when I’m dead.

Hillier comparing the lockdown to the nazis murdering people makes me angry.

That dude has been a Facebook conspiritard for at least as long as the pandemic has been going on. I dont remember hearing about him before that.