'Lesser of two evils' is a trap

You’re not in the US? I thought you were on the west coast…

Huh. TIL.

Wow me too. I assumed Johnny was American.

I made an offhand comment on the subject of low turnout. You responded as though I’m a five-year-old in need of your sage instruction. Get fucked.


Sometimes we have to get back to basics. This whole thread is just one giant temper tantrum by Bernie Bros saying that because the world isn’t the way it should be they shouldn’t have to bother to go vote against Trump.

I happen to agree that we should improve society more than somewhat. I was probably a top 5% participant in the primary process this go around, and I’m going to show up to vote for Biden even though I think he’s a bad candidate and a worse human being. Because I’m extremely aware that the guy in the well is right (even if his smiling makes him a dick and very likely to get his ass kicked down that well by the guy with the sticks IRL). The peasant can keep doing what he’s doing or he can take action to change his lot in life. Enough of our ancestors did that and today things are better than they were back then.

I think the last thing leftists need is a thread about how they should do less though. That’s very definitely something we shouldn’t be giving any respect to. Not when we just failed miserably at moving the ball towards how they should be because not enough 20 something and 30 something year olds could be bothered to go vote for Bernie.


Will you please fuck off.

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Put Flynn on ignore. Your life will measurably improve.

Well said post btw.


There’s an irony here somewhere, I wonder where.

It’s fine, apparently, for him to say people ShOuLd vote no matter what, but it’s mere childish fantasising for me to speculate on changes that might accommodate that.

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Anyone know what Ginsburg’s actuarial expectations are? Anyone know what Kavanaugh’s are?

The plan, see, is let Trump win. He will then install at least two more 40 year old hard right trumpkins. This will really piss off the DNC, for reasons. Then in 2075, when those two justices pass away, after happily overseeing 50 years of a Handmaidens Tale America, the fragments of what was once the DNC, but has been outlawed for 30 years, will rise up and vote in Bernie’s great great grandson.

It’s genius.


Even your attempts at satire are lazy and poorly-thought-out, lol.

By any imaginable metric Bernie and his surrogates and volunteer army out worked every other campaign. Why did he lose? Should they have worked harder-er?

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Because the young people didn’t give enough of a shit to vote like Boomers do.

Ok. So if hard work isn’t the path to moving the party left what is?

Because the DNC stacked the deck against him in every way possible. Does anyone here disagree with this?

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Yep. I don’t matter because I live in the beet reddest district in a beet red state, but by God I’d take Biden in a second.

Time probably. A good start would probably turning as many people as possible out in November and getting the Senate back… And then reinvesting that political capital in things like electoral reform and super popular stuff.

We don’t have time though. This isn’t a gotcha or dunk but if out working the opposition won’t work and withholding your vote won’t work, maybe electorialism just isn’t the answer. I don’t what the answer is either but I bet Mr. Sabo might have at least some idea where to start.

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Not unless he can get enough people on board… and his solutions need way more people than it would have taken to make Bernie the nominee.

Sometimes you’re just screwed and it doesn’t work out. It’s probably the fall of the empire, and we’re probably drawing live to a collapse of civilization scenario or three… Maybe we didn’t pull up in time to not crash into the side of the mountain.

Regardless I’m certain the answer isn’t to not vote in November… and I’m also certain that LoTE is a short term decision matrix that is part and parcel of being an adult. Trying to argue that it’s ‘a trap’ is inherently childish. It’s not a good situation to be in obviously, and it should be avoided, but the time to avoid it is before you get to that fork in the road. It’s a binary choice between Biden and Trump, unless something outside any of our power happens. Not voting is functionally a vote for Trump so there’s no ‘neither’ option available.

Not gonna lie Tara Reade is going to be someone I like a lot going forward if she somehow gets Biden to resign. If Trump gets inoculated against his many many sexual assault allegations and Biden remains the nominee I’m going to like her a lot less.

Looking at the voting demos it’s likely a bunch of people who would rank Bernie over Biden if forced to choose between those 2 options sat out the primary. Surprised their sitting out didn’t give you a clear message on what needs to be done and magically solve everything for the next election since they rejected the lesser of 2 evils.