'Lesser of two evils' is a trap

Insurance companies are huge donors. Blue Cross is the biggest donor among insurance companies. They donate 60/40 in favor of Democrats. Biden and the Democrats don’t want you to not have health care per se, but they will not kill the health insurance industry under any circumstances. See Obamacare. Need health care? Mandate private insurance.

Funny how every time he promises something progressive he is so obviously lying only a moron wouldn’t see it but here it’s so obvious he is telling the truth. This one is NEVER political gamesmanship I tell you. This is the one time he is speaking from his soul I tell you.

Funny they didn’t want it then. Hmmm.

It’s been covered on this very site many times and 2 seconds googling will answer you. When they were posted here you laughed saying he was obviously lying.


How about looking at what he’s actually done instead of what he’s promising? He’s no greenhorn. He has a long track record.

We have covered this many items. Only reason I brought it up is it seems a little convenient for some people’s worldview to call him a pathological liar but then a week later cite a promise of his as gospel.

Ok. While it’s ridiculous to say with any certainty that he would never veto M4A, he may or may not. It will depend on the political calculation at the time. It’s definitely absurd to be certain that he wouldn’t veto Dem legislation though.

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You’d think someone writing “STRAIGHT UP SAID” in all-caps would refer to something straight up said, not “kind of implied then later backtracked.”

Why are you people so sensitive about this? If Biden is POTUS do you think there will be M4A?

What is the likely political calculation that would exist in a world where M4A has just successfully passed both chambers of congress?

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We aren’t the ones being sensitive micro. Victoar started this discussion with his assertion Biden is “never” signing any bill for m4a.

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When he says things broadly consistent with his track record, we’re inclined to be less skeptical than when he says things broadly inconsistent with it.


There really isn’t any. Dems would need more than just a majority in both Houses. But, if they had that, Biden could easily still veto it.

You and Alex seem pretty sensitive to me. Biden doesn’t support M4A. If you guys support M4A, I’d think you wouldn’t argue about such things and be less defensive about Biden.

This seems highly inconsistent with his track record as a party loyalist.

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The votes in the House and Senate aren’t Party leadership. Generally the party sticks together, but the cases where leadership and rank and file diverge are pretty telling (welfare reform under Bill Clinton - TPP and some fossil fuel extraction under Obama).

Not if you believe, against all evidence, Biden is the devil and just waiting to get in office to reveal his true trump self.

Pelosi probably wouldn’t let a M4A bill pass unless Biden would sign it, so if one passes, he’s likely signing it.

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No, mainly because Biden sucks and won’t push for it as president.

That said, if it were to pass the House and Senate, he signs it.

Meh, that could go both ways. She might let it pass only if she knows Biden would veto it.

Also, the executive is different than the legislative branch. People are sometimes more free to vote in congress than to act in the executive. I can dig up some Obama if anyone doubts this.