Leftist and Scottish Memes for Seizing the Means





Song of the South



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Member when Hunger Games came out and we were like lol glad that’ll never happen? Seems almost quaint :eyes:

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Has the virus mutated?


Or is this how someone on meth acts?

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for those who are curious a bit more info at

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Glad to see he’s still alive

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Hey, those are deep thoughts worthy of intellectual elites.

I often think the same thing in reverse. How often do I look back and go wow, wish I’d stopped to appreciate that now that it’s gone? So I stop often to be present and grateful. I may be living through what in hindsight is the best time of my life.

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This is such a weird thing because I also refused to write anything personal. So the opposite of what I do now. In high school, it caused me a lot of trouble but teachers usually would allow it.

Not in my Psychology class, though. We had an assignment to collect childhood pictures representing Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development. I turned one in with pictures from magazines. The teacher said this wasn’t ok, and if I did not complete the assignment as is, I would be failing to complete the core curriculum for the class and would fail. I did not do the assignment.

Going in to our last project, which was to give a speech on a psychology topic we drew out of a hat, my grade in the class was around 92% even with the 0 on the “core curriculum” picture cutting assignment. But I was still going to get an F.

I drew “psychology of optical illusion” out of the hat. For my presentation, I printed out my sheet of grades for the class assignments. I then had the class do the math to figure out my actual percentage grade. Then I handed out a second sheet with the assignments and final percentage listed. I said, “So you guys might think that looks like a 92, but it’s actually a 0. That’s an optical illusion!”

I got an F. Imagine being a psychology teacher and failing someone for completing a picture-gathering assignment using magazines instead of his own trauma-inducing pictures.


At least you have a nice memory of telling him to fuck off in front of the class. Bad teachers are the worst humans. I had an English teacher in 9th grade that graded on the curve of how much he liked you. I’d get tests and homework back marked up with “NO!” with no explanation. I’d look at it and think “No, this is totally correct” and not want to go deal with the prick. So I got a D- and got sent down to dumb dumb English the following semester, which the asshole’s wife taught. Funny thing though, I got in massive amounts of trouble when I was 12 (7th grade) and my parents put me in a private school for troubled kids for 8th grade and I had to take a bunch of tests so they’d know where to place me and scored off the charts on the English test. I only recall them saying beyond college level. So back to 9th grade dumb dumb English, I flatly refuse to do any of the in-class assignments or homework and get 100’s on all of the tests. She told me she wanted to give me an F at the end of the semester, but couldn’t justify it because of the tests, so I got a C- and they put me in the advanced class. She divorced the prick shortly after that and I like to think I might have contributed to the demise of their marriage.


Wow, that’s awesome, you probably did earn that loser a divorce. It’s amazing how much of a failure school is for smart misfits.

I’m not sure any work should be turned in except anonymously. I once had a philosophy professor rip apart a college paper of mine because he thought it was another student that he had problems with. He called me into his office and kind of stammered “I’m sorry, I understand what you were doing, I misinterpreted.” So at least he did that, I guess, but what if I had been that student? The paper wasn’t great but it wasn’t terrible, I still had to rewrite it so he could save face.

Also my psych teacher in high school was a woman who had been a prison warden.


Me too but I can’t deal with the politics of it. You, like me, would be fired very quickly for teaching Zinn or something.

If you wanted to start a school I’m in and I’d move anywhere to do it. But I am not capable of organizing this.


Nanodaughter’s US History teacher taught Zinn. Public school.

I tried to get some people together to start a solar school.


Did she treat the students like inmates? Your philosophy story sparked another memory for me. I was replacing the exhaust system on an F-150 and the owner stood outside the shop and fed me shit the entire 20 minutes or so that it took me. I went into the office and told my boss that it was done, and oh yeah, the guy’s a huge asshole. My boss told me he was a teacher at the local community college. I told my boss I felt bad for his students. Fast forward a few years and I’m taking all of my electives towards an AA degree and enroll in Contemporary Moral Issues or something similar. I walk into the class and the teacher is the F-150 guy. Class was OK and fucking with people was his hobby, but he left me alone and taught me a few things.

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