Leaving on that midnight train for Georgia Runoff

Yes now it’s “all lives matter” and the thin blue line flag.

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With a bit of subconscious mental gymnastics you can vote for the Klan-lover, but blame it on liberals being mean.

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Interesting Twitter thread.

A bit long, though, so if anyone is curious, here’s the summary;



This fucking woman


I’ll scream it into the void until I die, the way to get to these scumbags is to make their personal experience miserable. This person should never be able to show her face in public in the places she actually wants to go without being mercilessly heckled, ever.


I dunno, more and more I think McConnell made a giant unforced error not just giving people a 2k bribe to vote for republicans. It really isn’t that expensive in the grand scheme of things versus the dems taking all three branches of government. Polls (yeah, i know, i know), are showing a late democratic bounce. This election is behaving like a Trump midterm, not like a Biden midterm. I think the dems are going to bink this shit.


This is a truly pathetic crowd, especially for the Covid truther party. I don’t know that her farm girl cosplay is working. She’s an absolutely awful human being, but not in the way Trump is that gets the rubes excited. They can tell the difference between “actually a racist idiot” and “trying to pretend to be one.”

I think you have to give the audience some credit for being in on the act. Understand that the “rubes” are themselves cosplaying as rural poor people even though no one in the crowd is anything like that. It all goes back to wrestling analogies and understanding that the audience is a willing participant in the kayfaybe. The fans are more sophisticated consumers of this sort of entertainment than the high-brow folks who complain that the wrestling is obviously a fake and the fans must be dummies for not catching on.




Yea Moscow Mitch is dumb. Remember that video of him openly laughing at not giving aid during the debate? He really is clueless about how people are suffering.

He knows they are suffering but he is evil incarnate so he enjoys that he has the power to keep them suffering

He has no idea what poverty is. He thinks people are poor by choice. He’s the typical conservative “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” type. In his mind, anyone can get $2K if they work for it. When he laughed during the debate, he’s thinking “I can’t believe these idiots expect a handout. Just get a job and stop being lazy.”

I get that’s what he wants, but compromising on 2k seems like the +EV play for him versus a dem senate that gives a lot more than 2k (heroes act alone almost certainly passes through reconciliation along with a tax hike on the rich and corporations, becuase reconciliation has to be revenue neutral) if he loses those two seats. Seems like he made the wrong play here. Even if he ultimately pulls out Georgia in a squeaker, it was a -EV move for him.

This can’t be real.

At least the racists are wearing masks. Progress!


Who are they?

Maybe they’re just German.

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That’s Perdue on the right?