Clyde the orang-utan from '70s Clint Eastwood curio ‘Any Which Way But Loose’ was allegedly beaten to death by his sometime trainer after filming finished. No charges were ever brought against the trainer, but rumour has it Clyde was secretly hit with a stick off the set to make him more docile and camera-friendly. A depressing Hollywood urban myth that will probably never be proven. Thankfully all films now using animals are now monitored extremely closely, with welfare absolutely paramount.
This says it’s an urban legend. Although I have no doubt it could be true.
I loved those movies as a kid. Thanks for ruining it asshole.
I literally have high blood pressure - like 170/110 (bad). I’m going to do my best to unplug from politics. RBG just put a nail in that coffin. I think covid + being hyper online might not be best thing for my stress level.
I mean, people are complicated and multi-dimensional. Clint is old and has a lot of money and his entire brand is being a macho Dirty Harry Boomer dude, so in some ways he’s exactly the kind of person who should be a MAGA bro. On the other hand, he’s spent his whole life hanging with Hollywood liberal types, he got his first break making Spaghetti Westerns filmed in Italy and Spain, he’s simply not a moron, his movies speak to that.
So, you get films like Gran Torino that shows Hmong-Americans as fully-realized characters (Digression: have you ever seen another film that’s about the Hmong in America? So many movies have been made about the Vietnam War, so few about its aftermath. Someone should make a movie version of The Sympathizer). And on the other hand, a lot of Hmong objected to their representation as gang-bangers who exist in the story to give a racist Boomer a path to redemption.
My hot take is that Clint kinda has his heart in the right place but he’s also old and out of touch and at a level of status where no one in his elite circle will check him if he gets out of line. The end result is some guy who makes legitimately interesting movies but also stans for Romney and bitches about “political correctness.” His movies are interesting, his politics are bad, but not horrible enough to ruin my enjoyment of his movies.
Also, boy, Dirty Harry has not aged well. Who feels great about the tough guy cop who murders people and has a cool catchphrase?
Tiger Woods had 80k almost all white and probably largely racist golf fans in an absolute frenzy rooting for him. It’s not like most country club racists are snarly genocidal maniacs. They have black friends and root for black sports heroes. They can’t be racist! They just look the other way at the racist system and refuse to lift a finger to change it. That’s their big contribution.
We used to play a game called the alphabet game where you write down the alphabet and a random sentence in columns. Then you come up with famous people with those initials. I tried but never got any points for CW= Clint Westwood.
Mine is The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - hands down. I watched that movie with my stepdad when I was like 8. It may have been my first Western - none has ever been as good.
I have a very distinct early childhood memory of watching the final showdown of tGtB&tU with grandpa and him giving me this sage observation that “no one is fast enough to shoot two men.” That’s kind of obvious in hindsight, but to me as a dumb kid it seemed like dank wisdom.
I have no idea how the two of us came to be watching the end of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. There’s no way I could have sat through a 3-hour cowboy movie at that age and also grandpa was a Roy Rogers/Lone Ranger/John Wayne sort of fellow; he wouldn’t have been into this new anti-hero Western nonsense.
In the middle of one of the top 10 earthquakes I’ve experienced in CA.
They’re all different too. Some are rolling. Some are jarring. This one is like a gigantic vibrating pad is under my condo. Like one of those vibrating hockey games.
The first thing you always wonder is if this is the far reaches of some devastating earthquake inland.
i experienced my first earthquake in vegas last summer. I have vertigo issues and it took me two days to recover. no idea how strong it was, but i guess around the same.
If I recall correctly that was like a 5.2 at the epicenter, maybe a 3.x in Vegas? I was there but I don’t recall that specific part. It was about halfway between LA and Vegas.
i was in some old school steakhouse that had a chandelier that was shaking to a point i thought about ducking under the table but no one else did so i figured dying is better than looking like a pussy.
This one was pretty mellow because all it did was vibrate. Then again Redondo Beach is built on sand, so we have all kinds of weird fluid dynamics issues in play. We can either get the part where the waves combine, or they cancel out.
I’ve been in ones that felt like you were on an amusement park ride that throws you around. But I’ve never been in the big ones. I missed the 88 quake in SF and the 92 quake in LA.
The scariest one was probably in the old Victorian I lived in in SF - where the whole house was creaking and squeaking in weird ways we never heard before. They knew how to build earthquake-proof houses 100+ years ago apparently.
This is always when Los Angelinos, including me, are like - where the fuck is South San Gabriel? Oh it’s near Monterey Park. Hmmm - can you be a little less specific? Between the 710, 10, 60, and 605. Oh, okay, I got it now!
it was a 7.1 centered near Ridgecrest, CA (the one that happened during the WSOP, I mean)
That was fun. I was dealing the ME and it was glaringly obvious who had never felt an earthquake before. They were the ones rushing the doors.
Meanwhile the Californians were calmly sitting at the table waiting, with a few nervous glances at the giant network of light gantries they hang for the WSOP. They were definitely moving.
It happened mid hand for me. One dude shoved, then boom, earthquake before other dude could act. All-in dude stayed at his seat, other dude ran for the hills. When it was all done I had to call the floor for a ruling in a scenario I had never in my wildest dreams ever considered. Floor was lenient and let the dude keep his hand. He folded anyway.