LC Thread 2020: What the PUNK? ROCK.

So, my memory is a bit fuzzy but either the DJ for their group posted on 2p2 in the studio section while it existed or someone who knew him well. The guy was DJing Vegas clubs.

It’s basically a jazz performance. Jazz confirmed not dead?

Not much swing or triplets in there imo. Drumming wise it’s not jazzy at all. Chord wise I’m not sure. IDK. Improv yes.

Everyone is mad that he’s playing at first, the fiddle player doesn’t even know where he’s at partway through the song but gets his hits in right. There’s a moment you can see he’s just straight amazed and lost at the jamming going on because he’s a fill in though. Then, the crowd turns towards them and only the crabby blonde is mad at the end. So good.

I mean the structure of multiple instrumentalists soloing in a long jam.

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Yeah, sure. Improv bands trade 4s or 8s or 16s definitely.

Marcus can play like a mofo too.

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Hell ya.


That dude rips bro. I’ve watched a few of his Monday streams the last few weeks after learning of him in the last year or so. He was getting heavy with it. I’ll find the video.

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Here is another rip with Billy Strings.

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The party of “you can’t be ruled by your fears”.

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I was drunk once and said he looks like Sloth from the Goonies but plays like God and I feel bad for it.

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This is amazing.*

*Except for the fiddler. Get that guy outta here.

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He really is lost through most of it. His band now is so good.

Here’s an AMAZING live performance. Alicia Keys at the tiny desk. Her band is basically in a trance by the half-way point. It’s really something to see. What a performer. Let it breath for a minute, even if you’re not into the first couple minutes.


Billy should play electric in a rock band imo. I love drums and electric instruments but I’ll take what he’s offering. This drummer, Chris Myers, is easy top 10 best drummer out there working atm btw.

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Best modern country is this Alberta boy. He headlined the best Canadian punk band for years too.

My favorite fiddle player at the moment. (Nowhere near his best work nor the bands best song, but for some reason this seems to get a better reception with people than about at least a dozen or more better songs that they’ve released.)

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