The draft free trade agreement took 20 years to complete and the EU has described it as its biggest so far.
I’d much rather the UK stay in the EU but this sort of shit tests my resolve … 20 years!
If it takes that long because of the size/complexity of the deal then maybe one gigantic deal is not the route to take.
She’s great - her and Jess Phillips rarely fail to impress.
UK to leave the EU on/before 31/10/2019 is 3.15 at Betfair.
I had a nibble because a) no deal is unwanted by the UK government and the EU and any PM imposing it onto UK voters is risking a high chance of getting slaughtered in an election; while the latter also applies to b) another extension. Juncker’s hinted there may be wriggle room over the backstop, and it could be just enough to persuade the HoC who will also be mindful of their re-election chances.
There’s probably just enough time in the Parliamentary calendar to vote it through, even if it takes a week of continuous debate and late-night sittings (Cummings has gauged this well imo).
I’m probably in the top 20% of staunchest Remainers, and even I’m totally sick of the political and economic paralysis this is causing, and clearly something has to give. A soft Brexit would at least allow the country to heal its divisions, with Leavers and Remainers able to agree about how bad the deal is. A typically pragmatic British solution.