Kamala / Walz 2024

It’ll be a huge missed opportunity if they don’t choose the most pro-labor / pro-working-class candidate. It seems like that is Walz but idk their specifics that closely

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They still work for billionaires. :grinning:

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Walz would be great, so i bet he’s somehow the least likely.


lol nice headline. In the article it says she’s also looking at Pete and Gina Raimondo. So it’s really 5.

Honestly don’t think the press knows anything.


Thank god. A not insignificant amount of my enthusiasm is for Pete. I’ll just lie back and think of England if she instead picks generic boring old white dude.

Democrats in Washington are playing a parlor game about whom they think would be best at Harris’ side.

“I know the conventional wisdom is that she needs to pick a White man. I don’t disagree that having that kind of gender balance is good, but if you wanted to swing for the fences, you could do a Harris-Whitmer ticket that would excite a lot of people,” said former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle said, referring to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who has said she wouldn’t accept if asked.

Split the difference with an outstanding gay white man ffs


The NYT spent years gaslighting everyone into thinking small-town white Midwesterners are Real Americans and you’re an out of touch elitist for not understanding them. It’s incredibly rewarding to see regular people across the US laugh their asses off at what a weird freak JD is.




This is how I feel. I think in a vacuum he’s the best but with Kamala already being perceived as too liberal they’re going to want someone who appears to be more on the conservative side of the Democrat’s spectrum.

I’d just say that Walz is as far from generic as it gets in today’s Democratic Party. The Minnesota party calls itself Democratic Workers or something to that effect, and under Walz’s leadership they have actually lived up to that ethos.


Fair enough! I guess they just all seem generic to me next to Pete. I’d probably be more excited about Walz if I paid more attention.


Just tripping over a dollar to pick up a dime. Or tripping over something more vulgar.

Kamala is perceived as liberal because of social issues, not labor issues. Walz could being significant excitment on a separate campaign tour aimed at labor, but they’ll trot out a corporate ghoul because some unqualified consultant nepo losers can only come up with “gotta balance out the liberal perception with something that no voter actually likes”




The rationalization is going to be that he was a real 'Murican, but then he went to that elite, LIBERAL Yale University and they fucked with his brain.

Of course, they all do. But as long as we’re playing this game, the Dems need to take this opportunity to reclaim some of the working class and undercut the messaging from assholes like Vance. And maybe, maybe, someday, please, they’ll actually act on some of those policies. /ssc


I guess one thing that could be levelled at Walz is blaming him for the 2020 Minneapolis uprising. Just show footage of Molotov wielding “antifa thugs” and burning buildings - call it Walz’s plan for America, coming to a suburb near you. That sort of crap.

Grunching a good amount. I do not like Pete much but I want him as VP quite a bit. I just don’t see a better option at all once you factor everything in.

Cog dissonance at it’s best.

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It’s one of those things where it seems like this excludes him, but maybe the reality is they could play the same clips regardless of the P and VP candidates and it would have the same effect

But maybe that’s a bad gamble so the VP should be someone else


Yeah. But “I’m a normal guy who loves my kids” is a great defence against the extremists weirdness. Especially if it’s genuine.

This is one of the reasons why the focus grouped bullshit fails. It’s bullshit and people can smell it, so it opens up lots of attacks


Picking an incumbent senator in a swing state makes zero sense. Why is this even on the table?


Because you’re trying to save democracy at all cost? Pick the best contribution to winning the POTUS election, and worry about fixing that one senator later?

You lose democracy if you lose this election, yes? No?

Either you reject that premise, or you’re arguing to leave your best reliever in the bullpen instead of using him now in the highest leverage spot