Kamala / Walz 2024

Yeah trying to edumacate myself on the issues with Trans and Harris it gets murky fast. Most of it is tied up in a legal world of law bro code.

I wasn’t able to find anything, yet, specifically on trans going to other sex prison but the one issue I saw over and over was her opposition to trans surgery in prison.

Like any lawyer she had a duty to protect and defend her client, which in this case was the department of corrections.

They are acting like she had an anti trans agenda, which there is no evidence of.

A Trump spokesman wants you to know Mike Pence was willing to dine with a gay couple






Maybe stop breaking the law ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I hate liberals



wait wat

No. No it won’t.

Nice to see some optimism though.

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I don’t see how you can disagree about his and her experiences, but I accept if you’re saying your own world is not and will not be bigger.



I’d be mad too if I got used for a video like that


It’s more people believing that future generations will have it better than us.

Like that has been true throughout all of human history but I really feel that for the first time we as a species are going backwards, not forwards.

You are American, so you might be missing some subtleties of the English language. I would not dare dismiss your perspective or feelings about the future. To my reading, their concept of a better world is bigger than yours.

That might be true of the US, but for large parts of the world, things have never been so good. Poverty way down; health, education and wealth way up.

I thought this was a great read on the subject.




For some perspective, the worldwide life span was 48 in motherfucking 1950. Things have massively improved on a global scale. Millions of children are being effectively treated for previously torturous diseases. Many developing countries are pulling their citizens out of poverty and starvation. Kid scientists all over the world are being inspired to explore solutions to climate change/environmental causes, and they are doing some badass things.

Yeah, let’s not lose focus on the battle to save the US right now, but it’s worth remembering that we’ll still have plenty of opportunities to appreciate - and contribute to - positive global developments regardless of what happens here.


Absolutely. I think the temptation to get sucked into a WAAF mentality is so detrimental whereas the likes of AOC’s attitude is so good. She never appears to get discouraged. Day after day, she keeps fighting the good fight and is always highlighting victories to keep people motivated.


We’ve always been two steps forward one step back. Fall of ninevah, collapse of bronze age, the dark age etc.

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You wot?

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99% of this is just because of advances in technology. Advances developed by individuals, companies, governments, capitalism, communism, socialism, whatever-all-of-the-above. Everyone wants to credit some form of government or something, but plows and pills have been getting better since the beginning of history and that has continued.


Also, there’s a conversation to be had about what constitutes progress.

How does the tech + medicine vs community and self-determination balance work out?

And more pertinently, do they have to be mutually exclusive?

People should read

ETA: in before some moron here lolz @ Africa