Kamala / Walz 2024


35 years after this speech and Cuba does not have stable internet access in any part of the country.

“Ombudsman role of the press in the Soviet Union.” Not enough lols for this one.


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I’m sure you’re aware of the reasons for that, and that they aren’t a lack of capitalism.


Something something embargo right? Surely a successful, socialist country free from multinational exploitation would be able to come up with a solution.

You mean like refactor your whole economy after the trade embargo so you’re not dependent on exports, when sustaining the enviable literacy and infant mortality rates you’ve established means that people have just about enough to eat but your legacy housing stock is crumbling.

Yeah that sounds simple, what a bunch of idiots.


Based on your and Victor’s posts it sounds like having socialized medicine and education while keeping free markets in industries like tech and farming is the way to go.

I’m saying refactorIng the entire economy of a very poor country without heaping misery and probably starvation on many people isn’t viable, and it’s entirely down to your shithole country (I think I can say this now the penny’s finally dropped over there). Which of course was the whole point of the embargo.

Right, and I don’t think the farm subsidies have worked out very well here. Similarly to how state-run farming didn’t work out well in Cuba or China.

She’s been a Senator for a couple years and a cop for a bunch. Let’s not get carried away. Booker, Gillibrand, Klubes, Castro, and Bennett were all just as qualified. Inslee and Warren count as non-geriatric eDems?

How have the subsidies not worked out? It hasn’t helped small family farms, but food supply is top top and just a pure free market is no guarantee against occasional scarcity, ie hunger.

Doesn’t seem anything at all like Maoist China. I don’t know that Cuba had significant hunger (relative to similar counties).

I could have stated that better, I should have said arguably rather than probably. It was early morning and no caffiene.

I was including warren in the geriatric category tho.

I don’t know much about this topic but will add United Shades of America was about family farming last week and W. Kamau Bell made a pretty strong case these have hurt small farmers by skewing the market as they have gone mostly to huge agri business.

Farm subsidies have worked out great insofar as they have transferred wealth to industrial agribusiness and dicked over small family farms and taxpayers. That was always the plan all along.

Our reliance on corn and dairy has likely contributed to the obesity epidemic, and the distortions in the market led to an abundance of trash products like HFCS. Like you said, mostly conglomerates have benefited. Financial assistance should be provided to the people that need food, not to the producers.* We have enough wealth and distribution that I think we’re past the point as a country where we would literally run out of food.

*With the exception of disaster relief and other black swan events.

Sleeping your way to the top is not even a thing. I have never made it past the middle.

Who did she sleep with to get a presidential campaign.

Interesting to see the frothy return of the racist misogynists. They can really let their freak flags fly.


Providing assistance to eaters does not create a food surplus, which is necessary if you don’t want to people to go hungry when there’s a hiccup in the market for any reason (financial, weather, fuel, whatever). A perpetual food surplus is required if you don’t want hunger.


LA Times, Washington Post, New York Times. boom. expectations shattered.

God forbid they go all Katie Couric on her.

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