Kamala / Walz 2024

Maybe when some idiot who fancies himself as some macho man gets equally offended by being called a scrotum as he is at being called a pussy.

That can only happen if we make it happen. Help ā€œSantorumā€ this usage! :grin:


Prisons having stocks is truly some American shit


I wonder if thatā€™s at all related to the US having the highest incarceration rate in the world :thinking:

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I liked No Logo. I actually have one of Maoā€™s little red books my dad picked up as a souvenir. I canā€™t recommend it, itā€™s just pablum.

1.32%. You forgot the repercussions exchange rate.

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Iā€™ll go back to ignoring your posts but I was curious what you recommended. Canā€™t believe you cite Naomi Klein. Itā€™s too good after insulting me about having never heard of anyone on the left. :grin:

I have also met her several times and we even worked together for a month or so on some direct action stuff way back when she was just getting famous with No Logo. Iā€™ve read all her books obviously.

I hadnā€™t read the others but I may check them out.

Maybe this is just a red herring so they can rebrand it as Medicare for Everyone


I donā€™t remember her actually supporting it.

Honest question. Does Bernie back his 2017 plan still? He has co-signed Bidenā€™s plan now.

Is that a euphemism?

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Lol. Nope I wish. She is beautiful. :grin:

Pretty sure they expect you to mispronounce her name in your head while reading it.


Absolutely! You see, whatā€™s happening is that the US obviously had a great demand for incarceration services and the Glorious Market is delivering efficient solutions! If people didnā€™t want prisons, the Glorious Market would drive down the stock price and reallocate capital elsewhere.


Yeah she was always shady on it.

Can we get a clovis vs victor book club?

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How does a vs book club work? Read one chapter then arm wrestle. Read next then HU4rollz, third chapter then spelling bee?

I havenā€™t read Wolff either, but his Democracy at Work videos are solid. Didnā€™t realize that heā€™s 78 years old. Damn, he is way sharper than Trump or Biden. Probably sharper than Bernie too.

Parenti is a must read/watch as well.

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You each pick a book and we alternate chapters.