Kamala / Walz 2024

Maybe, but I look at it as it’s their job, being in congress, to at least try to be diplomatic, for now. And they’re professionals.

That’s also why I don’t fault Bernie for “endorsing” Biden nor do I look at his post-primary actions as changing anything. It all comes with a wink and a nod and I respect him for being professional. It’s other people’s job, those without insider access, to raise hell.

It’s like, the elections are binary but raising hell vs being diplomatic isn’t.


Problem with making Election Day a holiday is it will likely get way more people barbecuing than voting.

I don’t see the problem.


You and I agree. My comments were more addressed at pocket.

Politicians should try to find common ground when possible. I extend this to voters at certain times (you likely diverge from me here). Then we agree again about the importance of pushing politicians to move the direction we want through all means necessary.

I think most are aware. Currently there is a big row on several “black” forums about Harris, with one side saying they can’t vote for her because of her record of incarcerating black men (and fighting their early release), and the other side saying “she’s better than Trump.”

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One way of pushing center-left politicians to the left is for leftists to signal that their votes can’t be taken for granted and that politicians need to make public promises to them and not just those in the middle.


I’d be curious to see research but I suspect this can’t work. The number of votes won’t ever be enough.

Now if you said their donations and political capital can’t be taken for granted I’d agree 100%. The green lobby uses this tactic all the time.

Thinking about this more. I think it matters what scale we are talking about. Individual NGOs don’t have voter leverage in most cases. The organized left does though.

He can’t hear you. Just stop.

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Lol I’ve literally met Chomsky a couple times.

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TW: blistering hot take.


Doesn’t quite get the bingo, but it’s an amazing effort from a single article.


At least they are predictable.

Real question is how do these people get women to marry them!!! (Obviously rhetorical)

This author got two women to marry him!

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The comments are somehow even worse.

Harris is an incompetent moron who could not make her way through politics by her smarts.
So, like any other intellectually-stunted bimbette with delusions of grandeur, she used what assets she had to get ahead and preyed upon man’s weaker nature.

This is a skill set. Not something to be proud of…but a set of skills used in the pursuit of money and power. Unfortunately it comes with a great deal of negative personal characteristics that will be glaringly illustrated the moment this type of individual is placed in the public spotlight with the pressures of leadership on their shoulders.

Hence, when it came time to actually do something other than sleep with her boss/bosses, Harris was…

a lousy AG.
a lousy presidential candidate.

Fucking hell. Whatever, this is disgusting sauce. Let anyone who believes this declare it loudly so we know who they are.

I’m obviously not reading any of those pieces but if she slept with the millions who voted for her I say fuck ya! Props. Sounds fun. Count me as jealous. :grinning:

Who do you recommend?

At the same time? That’s progressive!

I can picture Jerry Seinfeld saying "Now that is one, tough vagina.’

As Dan Savage always points out “stop being a pussy” is such a dumb way to say stop being weak given vaginas are way tougher than male genitalia. It should be “stop being a scrotum”.