Kamala / Walz 2024

Lincoln Project had a pro-Kamala spot in the can:


Hillary UNRECUSED imo


Iā€™m ready for the laughably lopsided polls weā€™ll see tomorrow

Lincoln project really confuses me sometimes.

Shrug. Could have been worse. A black woman being named as VP is a good thing for the country from an inclusion perspective. Wish it had been a more progressive black woman, but there werenā€™t really any feasible candidates that fit that profile. Shrug again.

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This would actually be pretty funny.

Small thing, but I do like how at 0:48 when they say the best of America is ā€œStrong, Compassionateā€¦ā€ they highlight Harris for the former and Biden for the latter.

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Hahahaha do it. The presidential line of succession will have the right frothing at the dangerous apocalypse that would unfold if ever we had to appoint person #7


What do you mean? I am ignorant on most things Biden and vp. How will polls skew?

This is most likely the first person on any ticket who ever advocated for universal health care right? Um Clinton 92? Lol.

I just mean that we are likely to see a huge uptick on Bidenā€™s GE approval that is standard after a big announcement like this

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Technically the first African-Asian VP candidate.

Are we? Isnā€™t he mid/upper 40ā€™s and even 50+ in a lot of GE polls? Canā€™t imagine he can get much higher.


friendly reminder that we are the 1% who pays attention to this stuff


Iā€™d be shocked if he doesnā€™t bump 3-5 points.

I say lopsided in that tomorrowā€™s uptick will see some swongs that make it a less reliable predictor for actual turnout.

Iā€™m in a lot of mixed ā€œvote blueā€ type groups on FB, twitter, DMs, etc. People who are more casual than we are here, and who all had different favorites in the primary.

Iā€™m seeing near-universal approval, ranging from acceptance to excitement, about this pick. I think he will get a bump, for sure. Hopefully from the convention, also, though I doubt as much as past candidates due to the weirdness of having it over Zoom.


Meet the new Geraldine Ferraro! Interesting that Ferraro was the first major party ticket woman AND Italian just in case anyone questions the extreme systemic racism in this country.

For those not old enough, was a huge deal when she was picked as VP candidate. Ultimately didnā€™t matter as Mondale would have been curb stomped with anyone. (I have decided just to pretend Hillary never ran for president)

Tough but fair



That lawyer dude who handled the long questioning sessions for Schiff.

Reason: Heā€™s the only lawyer I know besides George Conway and Ben Matlock. (And the lawbros on UP, but theyā€™ve all got too many skeletons in their closets.)

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Sally Yates?