Kamala / Walz 2024

Makes me wonder what the fuck the first draft was, because this was the high-energy one.



To be fair, he’s from Arkansas, where it’s difficult to pronounce common words like spaghetti.


Lolllllll “Ben Affleck, hang in there”

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Not that Nancy can’t both like Joe and also have stabbed him in the navel in broad daylight for smart political reasons - I think that combination is wholly plausible - but it will never again not play as awkward for her to talk him up.

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I put 2 hrs in this week, had a craving.

Thought I read somewhere that Kinzinger was gonna speak. Is that not happening?

I read this as Kissinger and thought it was another post cutely dancing on his grave.

Also, Thursday.


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Yeah I think they’ve fallen way behind again. They absolutely need to make aggressive cuts to make sure that Walz is taking the stage no more than 35 minutes from now. Ridiculous if they let him float out of the main network timeslot.

I read online it was Crazy Taxi but idk if that is at all accurate.

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Unless they’re cutting people, no way is he coming on before 11 ET. Shapiro, Mayor Pete, John Legend, Walz intro still all to go.

Each night would wrap before 10pm ET if they just banned every speaker from saying “Are you ready to get to work?” and “the next president and vice president of the United States…”

According to Nate if people are getting pushed out of optimum slots, it’s intentional.

I know it. They had to fucking wheel old Bill out there to ramble and now worthwhile speakers either need to be cut or they’re hurting the cause just by being out there and taking up time.

When you’re fighting for mainly PA, GA, MI, WI, seems weird to go to midnight every night.

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WI is central, and NV and AZ are important.

Poet was awesome.

I stand corrected on WI. Still going fairly late there, though. I considered AZ and NV, and you are right, but if you were truly doing an ROI analysis that drove your scheduling, I have to imagine the 4 states I mentioned carry much more weight.

Do normal people actually watch this coverage?

Oprah’s really good at this, too.

“Let me tell you this” == stfu crowd