Just memes


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You could probably sell about 50 million microwaves in a week if you convinced deplorable Americans that the Woke Mob is anti microwave.

I am good at business plans for 2023.

Fantastic collection.

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Man sucks one dick and suddenly he’s a homosexual.


Found the marketing major

I do ML Marketing at a Furniture e-commerce store :)




Person 1 : My surname is Smith because my father was a Smith. He used to spend all day every day beating metal and creating weaponry.

Person 2 : My surname is Plumber. My father was a plumber. He spent all day every day clearing pipes and making sure the water flowed where it should.

Person 3 : My surname is Dickinson…



Reminds me of:

Two Scotsman were sitting on top of a hill that overlooked their small village. During a break in the conversation, one man lets out a sigh as he’s looking down at his village, and his friend asks him what’s wrong.

“Look at that town down there.” he replied. "You see the bridge crossing the river that leads into our village? I built that bridge with my own two bare hands. But do they call me McGregor, the Bridgebuilder? No.

“And you see the Church in the middle of our village, overlooking the square? Well I built that Church with my own two bare hands. And do they call me…McGregor, the Churchbuilder? No.”

He pauses, and looks over at his friend. “But fuck ONE goat.”



My 11 year old has started texting me memes. #prouddad


? Not to burst your bubble but it’s just a picture of the sky. Not sure what the meme is


Did people really think Charlie Murphy was lying? I always got the impression that his stories were so vivid that they had to be true.


No, immediately after those segments started airing there were people everywhere saying “oh yeah that’s all 100% true.” There were so many people verifying his accounts for so long it feels like if someone knows anything about his stories it’s that they’re 100% true.

I heard a recording of I think it was like a morning radio program on a rock or classic rock station where the hosts were talking with Prince. They asked him about the Charlie Murphy story, and he confirmed it was 100% true, and then he proceeded to talk some serious smack about how Murphy couldn’t ball.

Ignore Jimmy Fallon. Also, Eddie tells a great story about Rodney Dangerfield in the beginning of the interview.

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Story was obviously false and confirmed by the photo. I don’t see no “blouse”. I see a “vest”.