Kamala / Walz 2024

Also, there’s a conversation to be had about what constitutes progress.

How does the tech + medicine vs community and self-determination balance work out?

And more pertinently, do they have to be mutually exclusive?

People should read

ETA: in before some moron here lolz @ Africa


For sure. The richest most technologically advanced people in the world might be happier than the most abjectly poor, but they aren’t peak happy and they are ruining the planet.


This is only part of the story. The majority of the gains have come from opening markets globally. Yet another reason why Trump has been so bad for the world.


I’d say that assuming no oppressively authoritarian regime (and in Cuba’s case even with one) the happiest people I’ve ever been amongst were the ones who had schools, healthcare and sufficient food but not necessarily more, ie an absence of consumerist culture and high street outlets, ainec.


No. And most of what you’re calling “opening markets” is colonialism, not capitalism. And a lot of the spread of technology was not via opening markets. People always cite the green revolution (big cause for increased lifespan in the developing world as brought about by the market. Nope.



How has India and China been colonized in the past 40 years? They represent a huge portion of global poverty reduction.

There is a direct link between opening markets in non western countries and large reductions in global poverty.

The poorest people on earth have realized significant gains in the past several decades.


There’s a lot to this. Massive government investment in infrastructure. A lot of “wealth” is a transition to cash based transactions where money had not been involved. Spread of technology into areas that had been closed off.

And 40 years? India of course still has its colonial economy in current practice and they are both still recovering from colonization that ended not that much more than 40 years ago.

China: country recovers from a century of western domination, obliteration by the Japanese, civil war and totalitarianism…hard to go anywhere but up from there. Maybe some of the credit just goes to someone’s knee coming off of their neck rather than market magic.


Campaign says they raised $26 million from grassroots donors in first 24 hours since Kamala was announced ,and $48 million in first 48 hours

Why are India and China so different? Both are pretty close on the index of economic freedom. China went from having more extremely poor people to now, where India has almost 10x as many people living in extreme poverty. Is it because their markets aren’t open enough or because they haven’t had enough state investment?

Another big difference is that China did the opposite of opening their market. They became protectionist. They opened Western markets for themselves, but they subsidized and protected domestic industry. That’s also how South Korea went from GDP per capita of $79 in 1960 to a relatively prosperous country. It’s also partly how the US got rich. Alexander Hamilton was big on protectionism.

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with something like 150k new donors.

I don’t think I can ever recall such positive excitement for a VP announcement. Biden needed a shot in the arm, and it seems like he made the right choice.

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By that metric he should have nominated Bernie.


What are they using all that money for this year? Cost of campaigning has to be way down no? Even ad buys would be cheaper you would think.

Consultants fees won’t go down. Same way Hillary burned through hundreds of millions.


So you think Harris as VP earns more in two days than Bernie? Ok.

Oh I didn’t think you were serious.

But yes, definitely.

To be clear, I think Bernie should’ve been the nominee, but since he’s not, adding another 70+ yr old white man to the ticket, especially one whose own supporters fucking HATE Joe Biden, one who would be called a commie by those who don’t like him and a sellout by those who do… no, I don’t think that’s generates much enthusiasm.

But I dunno, ask our resident Bernie supporters if they’d give money to Joe for adding Bernie to the TrumpLite ticket.


ID politics

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Let me abandon all that I believe in because we got a black woman yaaaaas


Racist fucks

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