ITV: Impeachment Television

Like… it was expected and yet I just got hit with this violent, awful wave of disappointment.


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This whole trial is the legitimate Joe Pesci objection from My Cousin Vinny.


I haven’t paid attention at all today. I assume it’s the complete mockery waste of time it was destined to be?

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Yes sir.

Team Trump would be better off not talking at all. Sekulow is an absolute embarrassment.

Moscow Mitch really wanting that recess for the beef Stroganoff.

Lol these people have been bulldozed time and again by Trump, but sure this will be the time they stand up.

Metoo… Its why I was stressed today, knowing that it’s WAAF but a slight % of me was doubting it… Even to the point of telling my own head to shut it lol

I had to bow out for a hour and watched The Michael J Brooks show and now am about to watch the Mulvany amendment slip away too.

I said this a long time ago, but no R Senator is going to telegraph publicly ahead of time that they are going to vote against Trump.

So are they going to try and get an amendment and individual vote for each witness they want to call?

If this first one fails we can assume that all of them will, right?

Schiff has been very impressive. The case has basically been made and won’t be forgotten even if the GOP senators spurn their oath. They don’t write the history, we write the history.


You want to know what’s worse? After this sham trial, Sekulow is going to have this as a feather in his cap.

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It very much remains to be seen who writes the history. It also remains to be seen whether the existing history books are burned or not.

These votes are basically for show. Then they do the opening statements or whatever for a couple days, then they vote again. Romney, Collins, etc were always voting no on these. The real votes on those are like Friday or Saturday I think.


I am sure I will take great comfort in knowing that future histories will accurately document how my present reality was systematically destroyed and the world was thrown into chaos.


As far as Lawbro whoppers go, I’m partial to “defying subpoenas wont work because judges will get mad.”


Hey guys I don’t want to be apart of whatever drug deal you are cooking up.

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It’s all legal now… :ok_hand:

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He has… I enjoyed his opening by learning new stuff, but as you know this shit show ain’t stopping until a riot breaks out in the Senate between senator’s.


@simplicitus you’re an ironic point of light itt.