It's the Economy Stupid

Lol SoftBank.

It is worth $0.

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don’t worry we still got suicides on the rise

I mean, I considered it - but it just seemed like kicking a little kid. It was so obvious it was trash. I read the IPO filing and I still recommend everyone read it, it’s a beautiful disaster.

I know this is like a sick/bad thought and all, but it occurred to me that the market price of organs must be going up and that I could manage to pay for my kids to go to college. It doesn’t even have to be a suicide, one kidney is worth $262k.

Rent control is probably the single most economically illiterate thing a person could support. It has no positive consequences. Lots of negatives. Economists universally agree more than any other issue it is bad policy but Democrats like AOC and Sanders are pushing their aggressive ignorance.

All I want is for you sasquatches to admit the Democrats are the party of stupid. I don’t think that is too much to ask.


This is the same guy that was trying to convince us he’s a moderate and loved bill clinton. He’s a troll, dont feed him.

He is not wrong in that it is one of the few policy issues nearly all economists, both left and right, hate.

I’m not 100% sure what the right answer is but I’m a little sceptical rent control is it.

It’s obviously not illiterate. However, it is not nuts to be sceptical of a policy with almost no support among professionals.

The issue seems to be, like so much, it does clearly help some people but its net harm appears to be greater than the good.

The question really is; do we measure success by net harm and good.

I mean, the part of the rent control argument I’m sympathetic to is that the whole economic system by which we distribute money is freaking terrible, so allocating scarce resources solely based on who has money is, by definition, also bad.

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Social workers ok. Is there a large contingent of them arguing for rent control?

Politicians? Who cares. Nothing about being a politician makes you an expert on rent control.

Yeah rent control is in fact really dumb. I wish it wasn’t but wishful thinking doesn’t make things good.

Zoning laws are the big villain in making housing unaffordable. Again it doesn’t make me happy but this is something I know about.

Not all government is good government.

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I was talking about economists, yes.

I’m not an expert on this so I’ll leave it to others. I guess the question to me still is what generates the greatest net good.

Germany recently enacted some kind of nationwide rent control. Results seem mixed.

Rent control seems to be a crummy solution to a problem that’s a lot bigger and causes a lot more pain than people like to admit. The thing is that other solutions are literally never going to happen and probably wouldn’t even alleviate the problem if they were implemented. So like, you can say that rent control is bad or illiterate or that no economists support it, but it doesn’t really matter.

I would think to go along with rent control you would need zoning that sets certain land as high density rental housing. Then rent control would depress the price of that land and make it possible to profitably develop rental housing on it.

I think zoning laws should be repealed at the federal level. They are secretly as bad as the laws that keep the criminal justice system humming along. Ditto for licensing laws and patent law. Copyright should expire after ten years or so as well.

Some stuff the government is just bad at.

Trademarks should be permanent but limited in scope.

Federal level? Why not at the United Nations then?

I do like Bill Clinton. I thought he was a great President his last six years. Welfare reform. Basically froze spending. Added the fewest regulatory employees of any modern President. Cut the capital gains tax and created Roth IRAS. I can assure you the people around him like Larry Summers, Robert Rubin and Alan Greenspan think rent control is terrible.

There is no debate among rational people on rent control in the same there is no flat earth debate.

I just picked the federal level because that way states/cities lost the option to pass zoning regs. I’m sorry but they do a lot more harm than good, and the majority of their impact is felt by minorities and the poor. It’s an insidious form of regulatory capture that shouldn’t even be in the tool box.

Obviously you can still pass building codes so that everyone is safe, but there’s basically no good reason to allow anyone to say not in my backyard about how someone else uses their own land.