Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

bernie isn’t my savior, he’s a pussy that just bowed down to biden without extracting a single policy concession

bernie , however, has never taken money from anyone REMOTELY resembling a multimillionaire doctor that also sent money to Joe Fucking Arpaio

he is the most moral person in national politics today and he is much more moral and trustworthy than Elizabeth Warren. He always has been. People like you who obscure that are making this country a much worse place


You’re a moron. I’ve been strongly into left of center politics since I was about 15 years old. I’ve literally never voted for a republican in my life.

Chris Hayes tho? Maybe??

This feels like another “I’m better than garbagemen and bartenders that voted for Trump” post. Careful, classist.

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Again, if you think Trump will win, you’re literally betting against the human race. What’s your solution then, eugenics, human-cyborg hybrids? do dems need a charismatic nominee who can out con the Don? Does the working class need to achieve self-consciousness? How’s that project going?

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Ahead of schedule. Working hard, thank you!

Your caps lock key is stuck.

You voted for Warren tho

Can I get this on a shirt?

The “working class” are how we got Trump. They can fock themsleves.
The “working class” are how we got Trump. They can fock themsleves.
The “working class” are how we got Trump. They can fock themsleves.
The “working class” are how we got Trump. They can fock themsleves.
The “working class” are how we got Trump. They can fock themsleves.
The “working class” are how we got Trump. They can fock themsleves.
The “working class” are how we got Trump. They can fock themsleves.

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Logic. Not.

I don’t think Biden will win. If you think he will, I know a website you might check out.

Just another elitist philosophy bro who doesn’t respect the working class.

I’m not a moron, however you type the thoughts of a moron.

Of course people who voted Hillary and the establishment wanted a moderate. Keep trying to appeal to a voting block THAT WILL NEVER VOTE DEMOCRAT EVER. You like to talk about ponies and unicorns but your unicorn voting block doesn’t exist. People like you will call Bernie a MURDERA but then endorse wars that cost TRILLIONS of dollars that both have killed hundreds of thousands of brown people and spent all of the healthcare money that should have been spent on the same social programs you say we can’t afford. UNICORNS, like in Sweden and literally every other ‘civilized’ country on earth?

Spoiler alert, your ideology IS FUCKING FAKE. You believe in nothing. You aren’t left of anything but the Republican party. The sooner you defect and start wearing a magahat the sooner the country will move forward towards a more equitable society. Good day.

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I realize that Maddow sold out (sometime around the same time as Liz’ heel turn), but Hayes still seems sufficiently NJR-adjacent to survive the Watevs gauntlet.

I’m not betting on trump winning. I don’t hope Trump will win. I think Trunp will win. The difference ought to be obvious.

I mean I’ve only made like 5k posts and you have no concept of my political philosophy, which isn’t even that uncommon.

Do you ever feel as if the Overton Window has passed you by?

Thoughts on The West Wing?

Have you ever shot a cop?

If Trump wins I’ll go into a bunker and write a manifesto about why people shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Still working on names, but I think I’ll call it The Republic.

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You fling dirt with personal attacks then cry like a little baby when someone tells you the truth about wretched shit you said.