Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

Lol Warren supporters


You must be a victoar gimmick account. You two employ the same level of rhetoric.

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its just delicious to see warren supporters that were so aggro about how she was the same as bernie get all aggro and in knots about how their candidate took a giant money bag from a joe arpaio booster. 15 million bucks after bragging about her grassroots campaign and she can get useful idiots like clovis and simp to call names on her behalf. simply delicious

I have hopes that Watevs is better than Victor at defining ā€œneoliberalismā€.

tell us more about how holding warren accountable for taking big political money makes us responsible for dead kids you piece of shit

Not you. Bernie. He is responsible for dead kids. Assuming we apply the same idiotic standard you want to employ. Iā€™ll stick to the adult standard where people with very long political careers, and millions of donors, will end up changing their mind on some policy and/or getting support from someone suspect. Iā€™m not such a child that such normal political behaviour makes someone unsupportable for life. I also donā€™t apply said standard only to people I donā€™t like while ignoring it in people I do. I have this crazy ethic whereby I apply the same standard to all.


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I absolutely knew someone would quote that line and edit out all the rest. Good faith debate itt.

Naā€¦ You wrote it for a reason and it was not that, all your other posting proves it, anything to win huh, Clovisā€¦ Fuck off.

You know I donā€™t hate any human ever, so take the FUCK off whatever way you wantā€¦ But ffs mate get real.

If only I had written several sentences, you know, immediately following the part you quoted dedicated solely to show how dumb the part you selectively quoted would be to believe.

If only. Iā€™ll do better next time.

Thisā€¦ :point_up_2: You know what you were doing, donā€™t do thatā€¦ Weā€™re in lock down ffs.

Getting Trump out of office is in my benifit, no matter what or who becomes President, but I ainā€™t going to stick up for old Joe, no wayā€¦

I can feel @Watevs pain in that regard, heā€™s American itā€™s his choiceā€¦


I donā€™t even know what Bernie thinks about the Brady bill right now. Maybe he hasnā€™t changed his mind. Maybe the fact that there were essentially no school shootings 26 years ago, the last time he voted against the Brady bill is a material fact. The world changed.

Either way, change of heart or change of world, what are you comparing it to? Warren going back on a campaign promise in the middle of that very campaign?

And Iā€™m not really doing any research here. These are things youā€™re assuming as fact at least for the argument and Iā€™m going along with that. I donā€™t really know or care about what Warren did with PAC money. The campaign is over.


Why yes, I care more issues I care about and less about issues I donā€™t care about. Lol?

Iā€™m making a very simply point. Every single politician, without exception, for all time in all countries, from all ends of the political spectrum with any length of public service will have reversed themselves on a policy AND received a donation from someone who is either a bad guy or has a fourth cousin twice removed who is a bad guy.

My point is Bernie having voted against the Brady Bill is meaningless in judging him as a candidate. Iā€™m sure he has changed his mind for the very reasons you posted. Also because I know he is an intelligence thoughtful person. I donā€™t even have to look it up to assume he changed his mind.

Do I wish Warren didnā€™t take pac money. Of course. Does that make her the moral equivalent of trump like so many itt suggest. No. Because I am not a moron.

Not all changes of mind are the same. If you really want changes of mind from 30 years ago. Warren was a Reagan Republican.

Still very different than changing positions in the same damn campaign.

Difference of degree. Not kind.

On the slim chance Biden becomes President I sure hope heā€™s changed his mind about a hell of a lot.

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Couldnā€™t agree more.

super lol at comparing evolving political positions over a 30 year career to what Warren did

lets recap, she

-took big money in her Senate run
-said she would not take big money in her Presidential run and started bragging about her low average donation
-stood up on the debate stage and called out every other candidate for having a superPAC
-enlisted the help of a SuperPAC to get money from a Joe Arpaio donor to stay in through Super Tuesday when she had basically no equity

her defenders in this thread have made the explicit point that she was just as much for the people as Bernie, with the same positions, the same morality. this was not true. none of them have admitted it so far

also ā€˜moral equivalent of trumpā€™ is just a straight up lie that you wonā€™t find anywhere in my postings. iā€™ll decline to engage your bad faith postings since you will lie and use dead kids as a cudgel