Is the economy good or bad, and what is the economy, and how much should a person care about it

Housing is WAY worse.


This is not a take that has been posted on NMNM. Some people there might agree with the take, but it absolutely has not been posted there. Nice try, lol

No, you see, housing prices rising means the economy is good. Bobman, simp, suzzer, et al keep repeating this

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what is NMNM?

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Do you know what SPE is? It’s like that, but with very little overlap between posters

Nonzero overlap tho AFAIK

I think SPE is visible to the non-registered or signed out, and NMNM isn’t

The bad thing about the economy is that it’s harder for the bottom quartile to afford to live. It’s that simple. You keep being told this, and shown this, and keep thinking you’re fooling anyone by refuting it with un/employment numbers that you KNOW don’t tell the whole story. And we know you know, because we’ve seen you and your peers say as much when there’s Rs in the White House, lmao

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Ok so the economy has never been good according to you for all of human history. Thanks, really insightful

Who says that’s what the economy is good means?

But that’s a character flaw of the people earning that according to mr bobman


lol faction wars. I’m done joining splinter groups just because people can’t play nice together. Here and the pony is plenty.


You do, even if you don’t realize it. Literally the most prosperous time in world history is right now. Arguing that it’s not good means that we’ve never had a good economy, which I guess is kind of fair, you’re simply enforcing a standard. It’s not particularly descriptive or helpful though

Did anyone ask you to join a group?

Man you all are weird

Oh Ike’s, flailing around like usually.

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They kind of did. To get the views from all the posters I like, I’d have to join. I think the weird ones are the people that can’t coexist in a virtual realm to the extent that we need to be a part of 6 separate fiefdoms instead of coexisting in one space like we did here in the beginning.


I know that discussions can get a bit heated and some of these responses were made as a kind of retaliation for others but posts like this are what derails discussions from the actual topic into ad hominems and other personal attacks. I’m not trying to be the tone police or anything just pointing out that a few sentences can be a detriment to otherwise productive discussion.


Fair enough I suppose, I don’t think it’s odd that people with completely different value systems don’t want to coexist in an online forum though. I’m ok mucking it up, in fact I think confrontation with different value systems is good for moving society forward.

If you adjust for this, you get… the graph I posted!

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There is currently a caste line in America between those who bought a home before interest rates went up and those currently renting.


I scrolled back and I don’t see what you’re talking about. If you were talking about real wages which are adjusted for inflation, that’s not the same thing as having a weighted adjustment which factors expenses that affect lower income people more than they affect upper income people, like food and rent.

Can you show a weighted adjustment that supports your argument? Because I don’t think you can