Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Ya i mean this is clearly my market gambling $$$. If i lose it all it won’t matter.

Apparently this is the default for the brokerage account (which is about 1/6th of all of the monies).

I guess it’s 80% in US treasuries.

Yes that’s what I’m trying to explain. I showed him the one that is FDIC insured says FDIC insured.

Suzzer read this:

I said the one that is FDIC insured is FDIC insured as well. I mean it’s kind of obvious - it’s in the name. It’s the brokerage account I’m wondering about. It’s in a money market or something. I guess that’s their default for non-IRAs.

Bogleheads is full of 55 year olds with $4 million and $10k/month expenses including taxes who are absolutely terrified to retire. I think its insane but to each their own.

Highly suspect we won’t be hearing much from the FIRE crew for a while though.

Pretty sure if one specifically calls out FDIC insured in the name and the other doesn’t, you have your answer.

But anyway here is the footnote for SPAXX in the link I provided:


Oh look, SPY down 3% after hours


Similar pattern the last two weeks. We need a TA guy stat.

The fuck? are futures down a k again?

Futures are down but I’m seeing less than 1%

Gotta say I am the most hardcore buy and ignore investor there is. I can honestly say I havnt actually looked at my portfolio this month since this all began.

That being said, I’m thinking of liquidating to cash.

I don’t need my money for 20 years.

Someone tell me I am nuts please.

Bout 3% right now Stock Futures | Index & Market Futures -

The best argument I can make is that people tend to make big investments mistakes in the middle of a market crisis. I personally wouldn’t trust myself to make a drastic change when being constantly bombarded by headlines designed to provoke an emotional response.


Just my random musings.

I think there’s one more big wave of panic - when scenes/stories of chaos start coming out of US hospitals and people dying in the hallways and ventilator shortages. If we somehow dodge that, we could be near-ish the bottom where I’d start thinking there’s more upside than downside.

The other possibility I see is a summer pause. Trump claims triumph, MAGA dipshits simultaneously say it was just the flu after all, but glorious Trump saved us from disaster at the same time, market rallies. Then tanks again if it comes roaring back in the fall and people realize we have to go through this all over again - but worse because we’re just starting winter.

If we aren’t wearing masks by then I’m going to lose my mind.

If we do get a summer pause, I’m going to try to sell my condo and permanently relocate.

I’d be shocked if Americans mask up en masse ever

Then it’s gonna be a long year and a half. I think when it becomes obvious communities who mask up aren’t getting sick like those who don’t, they’ll come around.

Around me at least people everywhere are already keeping as much distance as possible. That took like a week.

Also in LA you see people (mostly Asians, but some non) masked up all the time. So it’s not abnormal to see here.

Especially since so many have gone mask off


Dumb macro economic question.

Why would something like this lead to a depression? One would assume the global economy was in some sort of equilibrium before this and given covid isn’t financial in nature why wouldn’t the economy return to its previous size once this is over?

I’m struggling to understand why something wholly non-financial and random would say anything about the economy long term.

My layman’s guess would be that such a severe cut back on consumer spending might trigger a deflationary spiral. Could be a long pain road back from that

It is financial though.

This is going to put a shit-ton of people in the service industry out of work.