Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Not great

Didn’t take long. I think barring big news in either direction, the next few days are all the same, tons of volatility, overall downward trend of a couple percent per day. Probably a rally day in there somewhere. No point in guessing, just keep working that money in according to plan.

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Depends how long it takes to wrangle all the Fortune 500 CEOs to the Rose Garden for a pep rally.

(They’re giving daily briefings but the time has varied, and Trump isn’t always there sometimes it’s just Pence.)

CNBC talking about how we’re basically on the verge of a financial crisis. Sounds like companies are approaching a cash crunch, as you might expect, and money market funds are concerned about not being liquid enough to handle cashouts soon. Bank of America calling for a Fed announcement on the plan.

The short term debt problem happened last time. I think the fed stepped in and guaranteed commercial paper. Seems like a no brainer.

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Appears to be what they’re going to do.


Dow +1.88% on the day when Trump stepped to the podium, it’s now +5.26%. Second greatest press conference ever, and it’s not over yet. If he just keeps talking non-stop until 4pm it’ll be the greatest day in Wall Street history. Working hard, thank you very much!

Wall Street loves the fuhrer’s bullshit, it’s amazing.

It’s so interesting to see how the stock market changes when the speakers change during this conference. Trump talks and it goes up. Anybody not Trump and it goes down.

Market goes especially down when the media starts asking questions.

Active stock market investors are mostly Trumpkin idiots. Probably 70%+ Trump supporters. Almost as bad as golfers.

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Seemed like once women talked here, the market dropped.

Obviously the stock market is sexist.

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Markets are efficient, tho.

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download (7)

Always appropriate


Its all algos


It’s almost like companies should have expected their stock to someday be worth less and not blown through all their cash to buy it back.


There is a lot of this, for sure. All of the institutional investors I work with have some kind of automated risk on / risk off system.

“The markets” … fucking lol

You hate to see it.


So Dow hit sub $20k, but instead of following my plan to move from 60:40 to 65:35 by purchasing more equity, I instead sold the treasury funds in our Roth accounts and plan to leave the cash in the FIDC insured sweep accounts within those accounts for now. This leaves our 401k and 403b accounts close to 65:35, and I will continue to get more aggressive with the equity in those accounts if the markets continue to drop. (Probably go to 70:30 at ~ Dow $16k)

A chunk of our EF was in those Roth accounts, and I’m feeling more nervous every day about my job and wanted to make sure we have enough cash available for 12 months. (Not quite there yet, but if I hang onto my job for a couple of months we will be.)


Stock market dropping fast now. Wonder if Donny’s gonna bring his team out with a few CEOs to bump the market again.