Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

I’m in early fifties and I’ll go 100% equities if it falls low enough, by slowly increasing my equity allocation to stocks the further the Dow falls.

If I was younger right now, I would probably just stick with 80:20 like I did through 2001 and 2008 crisis.

I was forced to liquidate a lot of my retirement savings in 2013/2014 due to long term unemployment, which is why I’m being more aggressive now. If I can hold onto my job through this mess and the market recovers in the next 10 years, I’ll be fine. If I can’t hold onto my job, well then who knows.

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Cuse, I was at ~60/40% and shifted another couple % at close today, still aiming to get to 100% in no later than a month. I’m forcing myself to put in at least something at close everyday, even if I’m uncomfortable, except after massively positive days w/o good reason imo like this past Friday.

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I’m 39 and 80/20. All I’ve done so far is rebalance from 78/22. I have no intention of changing my allocation.


I’m so glad we used “the greatest economy in history” to pay down debt in order to be ready for a time like this. Can you imagine if we used it instead to give more money to corporations for stock buybacks or something stupid like that?



Futures pumping, rebound day tomorrow

Could be start of a trend - absolute slaughter, slight recovery, absolute slaughter, rinse, repeat until down another 10-20%


I fully appreciate that things could absolutely get much worse in the short term, but it’s hard to imagine buying after a 1/3 drawdown is a long term mistake.


I feel like NFL owners aren’t even considering the possibility we may not have a season this year. Not sure the scope of this has sunk in with the really rich yet.

Like what happens if there’s no season. Does Amari Cooper still get paid? Do they just push all the contracts back a year and pretend like the season never happened?

I’m most worried about the TV show Succession. Like, they’re probably already filming the season! I really need to see the Roys reacting to coronavirus, this isn’t optional.

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Here in Georgia, almost every TV and movie production is shut down. A couple were wrapping this week, so I think they finished up.

I got in just under the wire, was on a set last Tuesday. Only shook one hand. :grimacing:

Admin says 37% of recession in next 12 months.

That’s exactly like the weather report saying there is a 37% chance of rain in the middle of a downpour. We are already in a recession… We probably have a 37% chance of a multi-year depression.


Looks like we are looking at another small bounce following giant dip day.

Thanks for the replies everyone, I knew that’s what they were likely to be, I know that’s the move, just making sure my sanity was still present in these crazy times.

Opened up a percent, but I’m guessing we end today in the red

News of a $850 billion dollar (so ~doubling deficit) stimulus and market is flat… wild times.

Aaaaaaaaand we’re in the red again.

I told myself I’d buy more if the market went down again today. Gotta gather up my balls first.