Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

I should still be maxing my 401k and HSA right? I’m 29. I’ve got between 3-6 months of an emergency fund saved up.

It seems like this is a temporary/short term problem that could be solved through government assistance, though.

Sure, if the Senate GOP and Trump are willing to give money to poor people to not starve and to pay rent. They’re going to have to to get us through this, but we still have to wonder if they will.

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What’s the view on whether state lotteries should continue during the crisis? The state needs money but poor people need it more and lotteries are a total scam.

My strategy of placing our emergency funds in Roth’s seems to have some holes in it at the moment.

Oh, definitely. I was thinking more in a hypothetical world.

We’re in an unprecedented situation. What do you do for a living? Is your job 100% safe during a recession? During a depression?

He was even worse during the dotcom days. Battapaglia, Blodget, some others I’m forgetting all went down for their ridiculous cheerleading calls. But Kramer just skated through somehow like always.

And the first clinical trial of a vaccine in the US started today. Things are going to turn out OK.

Some of you dudes need to get a handle on your nested quoting ITT. Bad!

I got laughed out of BFI a few months ago for saying when the shit hits the fan (not covid but whatever) I want to be in Euros and not in a US bank.

No that I think Euros would be the best thing in the world. But I think they’ll hold out longer than everything else - unless Merkel gets replaced by a nationalist dipshit.

I’m definitely not up on best practices in this respect.

Best practice is:

I agree this is a very probable outcome. I just worry about the bottom 10% of outcomes where people get super angry and super desperate.

Keed giving lessons on good posting ITT.


I’m not trying to make money during this. Just sustain. I mean I could reduce my 401k amount and put an extra $1k a month in my checking account, or I could just leave it and continue to max.

I feel like there is a way out. Lock down for 2 months. Then let the youngs back out to get the economy going and test massively and isolate. Do what S. Korea is doing.

Yes, especially if there is an employer match.

Keed has the widest posting range of anyone I’ve ever come across


100% match up to 5%. Sounds like I shouldn’t touch a thing.

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