Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Anybody know when WageWorks HSA trades (e.g., reallocation of existing balance) execute? I assume at market close? Just realized I should probably get that $ to cash in anticipation of future unemployment and potential medical expenses, but not sure either if I want to lock in 20% losses today.

Nobody I want to hear from less than Jim “Bear Stearns is fine” Cramer.

Get an actual expert up there, assholes. Like former Fed or Treasury officials. This network is a clown show.

I was gonna say something but thought itd be more fun this way.

I was right

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Stocks preparing for the opening bell:


Welcome - coffee machine is over there and the sandwich shop on the corner is pretty good. Monday’s normally a slow day so plenty of time to get yourself sorted out. Good luck.

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Can they halt trading before it begins? cause I think maybe they should.

Is it time to start thinking about which bank/retirement accounts in my name would be able to honor a withdrawl and/or whether USD will remain a useful currency in post-covid society? To be clear I don’t think those are thoughts worth acting on right now but things are progressing quickly and I have no idea what I would do if that started to look like a valid concern. Bitcoin is clearly worthless, and I’m not sure about gold either. It’s gotta be something with real value. Also I’m not buying guns and ammo cause if that’s the kind of world we’re in for I don’t even want to be a part of it.


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Instant halt.

Down 2250 and frozen at open

no, wampum

and open at -2250

At some point we need to stop propping up the stock market at all costs. (I sort of kind of get the injecting liquidity into the banking system, even if I’m a bit skeptical of that as well.)


Lol at being the ceremonial bell ringer guy today. Maybe sit this one out.


Cramer is now blaming index funds. Fuck off, dipshit.


What a fucking idiot.


tenor (17)

Corporate socialism and permanent war.

If we really go down 20% and S&P gets near the 2200’s i will be buying more.

I don’t buy into all of this post currency or majority of corporations will be insolvent drama. There is positive news in China, cases are trending down there. We still have a couple weeks of it getting worse before it gets better but all of these lock downs are a positive step. If cases start declining or flat lining at a treatable amount then I think we will see a rapid rebound in asset prices. Bailouts will take place as needed. Trump’s fixation on stock market levels almost ensures that equity won’t be wiped out when this happens. We could continue to decline further in the next weeks but this is not a society ending event if the majority of deaths remain limited to the oldest demographics

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