Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

CLVS will :rocket: sometime, possibly soon. possibly for over 10% gains but possibly not

Feel like GME going to test yesterday’s lows in the last hour on fake low volume

Somethings going on, just rocketed up $50 in like 5 mins and still going.

I think most of them are busy setting up accounts on places like fidelity and other places with no restrictions too

lol you can only buy 1 KOSS on Robinhood. So many restrictions

Innuendo Studios just posted this video yesterday about the reasons why boomers didnt understand the late gen x early millenial generations with regards to 90s nostalgia and specifically the show Daria.

From there it goes into why Boomers have no way to relate to us as we are the generation of forever wars, inability to own homes, massive student debt, and the hopes that rent for our next apartment is less than half of our monthly gross.

Check it out. It goes a long way towards explaining why YOLOing your life savings might be the only real way to have any power in the current system.


Now would be a good time to float some kind of investor owned trading service. Vote for leadership etc. Is that possible?

This Robinhood stuff is bullshit. Lol anyone who ever uses them again. Hope they get sued into oblivion.


Can someone explain the RH share limits.

Is GME limited to only one share bought anytime after the limit as introduced? One share per day? One share per transaction?

What about people who already have GME, does this mean they can get one more? Are they stopped because they already have more than one? Will RH forcibly liquidate their position down to one share? Before yesterday, I’d have thought this last question was ridiculous to ask.

Right but other days there was more volatility & volume despite the HODLers. Probably what Stim said–not everyone could switch brokers in the span of a day. Plus some people are broke from yesterday’s bloodbath, and others might be spooked by it.

they’re probably close to being fucked themselves and don’t have a better option

Some of the stocks they are restricting weren’t even on my meme radar

You can buy 1 share of GME per day.

Me too.


Not enough LOLs for RH right now.

I may have to sell my CLVS just to bail out of Robinhood before they go under. They appear to be in a pretty fucked state right now if they’re limiting stuff EVEN FURTHER after people were already pissed at them for the first limit.

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We’re about to hit 10k on this bad boy.

Someone make a STONKS 2 thread.


3000 posts just this week. STONKS!


Me three

Was anyone able to watch Chamath with AOC? I can’t find it on the youtubes but I’m assuming that is not how a boomer like me should look it up.

Yeah all of the fuss about “muh market stability” because the prices of some securities moved unpredictably is a joke if the securities regulators don’t burn Robinhood to the ground. Allowing a broker to behave like them is orders of magnitude worse than what the WSB posters are doing.

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