Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Imagine Google not considering a 1 star review legitimate when a company directly hi jacks your money.


why is the wall street guy wearing a hard hat?

Lol, you are restricted to buying 1 share of gme on robinhood now, what a joke

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and no fractional

Open 400 accounts

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Looks like another panic sell going on :. People probably realizing RH is not going to unrig it at any point and will continue to fuck them. Probably the Warren news as well didn’t help

So uh


Re: doge

I pronounce it “doh-geh” but with heavy breath, lazy tongue, and the O being somewhere between long and short, similar to how I’d imagine it being said in Idiocracy. None of the DOHJ/DOHZ variants capture the proper stupidity of it imo.

Congrats on your lifelong gambling addiction, kid!


Nah just the firms selling to each other

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Is the Chewy dude a good guy or a bad guy btw?

RH has restricted even more stocks. CLVS still available to buy though

CLVS is really dragging down my portfolio.


Grunch: it’s interesting how correlated GME is to AMC. Also interesting is that there is often a slight delay for the AMC movement, so you can time some AMC in-and-out plays by looking at what GME does, knowing AMC will very soon follow.

In fact all the WSB plays are correlated to GME. This amount of correlation suggests to me that algorithms are the ones moving them.

Is that the short ladder attack they’ve been talking about on WSB?

eventually that will be the only stock people on robinhood can buy and then we’ll make money



Heh I didn’t profit today but I barely lost, didn’t HODL those positions. Today roughly cancels out with my chump change wins the other days.

SPY also seems to be inversely correlated to GME, was down bigly earlier and now making a comeback after gme falls to 260