Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

I gotta presume that dividend isn’t gonna hold up with these oil prices.

I just got out of this. Took some huge losses on dumb shit that I bought after being extremely greedy and not selling when I was up huge.

I still kept like 65% in index funds, but within the last month I moved almost all my money in individual stocks over as well. I don’t need the money for 30+ years but I also don’t have a 401(k) at work so I’m tossing lump sums into my Roth and watching it burn.

I want to buy on the way down but I feel like my gf’s job could be at risk (airlines) and we don’t have a ton saved because we have a one year old. It’s the only job she’s had, she’s maxed out on union pay and would probably take a 50% paycut somewhere else.

Put my orders in to move to 60:40. Next buy at Dow 20k.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it did. They have enough cash to hold out awhile. Now, if Russia and SA want to kill the oil market for a couple years, then God knows what happens.

For sale by owner: Fleet of lightly used boats. Each holds a couple thousand guests. Perfect fixer-upper for a mobile Hotel or Hospital. As is. Motivated seller.


There you go, Bernie nationalizes the cruise ship industry, parks them all on the Hudson River and uses them as SRO hotels.

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Should I look to refinance mortgage now or wait for next rate cut by Fed? Does the rate cut matter or is my rate based primarily on the 10 year bond (or some other metric)? Also, any risk in waiting? I assume Fed not raising rates any time soon and doubt bonds bounce back.

Definitely worth it for me as I’ve got like 25 years left. Rate is reasonable - 3.625% but can definitely do better.

Does it make sense to refinance if I’m only ~two years in and have barely any equity?

We were literally supposed to start a refi tomorrow and now I’m not sure if I should postpone

depends on interest rates

I refi-ed to get out of BMI a few years ago at a very good time. It was worth but still cost like $4k IIRC. If it wasn’t BMI but just the interest rate it would take a long time to make that up.

I also should have done a 15 or 10-year loan instead. I could have afforded it and I could see the light at the end of the tunnel from here. As is I’m likely to be dead or close to it. Yes I could pay principal on my own but somehow that never happens when the choice is to keep liquid cash that I might need.

Time you have left is more relevant. Which may be the time left on the loan but more likely it’s the time you plan on staying in the home.


My wife, the financephobe, watching the news of the market crash: “Do we have money to invest? We should totally buy stocks.”

I married good.


Is there a general breakeven point? My rate is 4.1%, I’m 2 years in and I think we could stay another 3 - 5 years at most since having a kid made us instantly outgrow the house. I haven’t looked into it since I figure closing costs will exceed the savings.

More people will die from COVID-19 in the US in the next two months alone than were killed in Chicago all of last year. Probably won’t even be remotely close.

Its a stupid D- racist troll are you new to insooo000000000 or something?

In general it’s usually something like that. Sounds like you know how to calculate it though, it’s just closing costs vs savings.

But fewer people will die from CV-19 than dinosaurs died from tiny nostril syndrome.


Just missed my entry points while the markets were open and I don’t have after hours trading. Was going to start going in at 250 on the VOO (Vanguard’s S&P fund), which is just over 2,700 on the S&P and 190 on QQQ.

VOO dropped below 250 on after hours and is now back up to 256.50, so that kind of sucks. QQQ only got down to 191 and change after hours and is now back to 197.30.

I’m still pretty confident I’ll be able to get those trades through at those prices or better in the next few days.

Either we don’t test enough to find out even close to how many cases there are, then the deaths start rolling in out of “nowhere” and shit hits the fan in hospitals with resources stretched, causing major cities to quarantine… or we take extreme precautionary measures to avoid the worst of the pandemic and the markets get hit from that… or some combination of the above.

Meanwhile, we’re drawing live to any number of market-shaking events. Trump and Pence both potentially exposed, Congress considering a two-week recess to protect members, several Congress members in self-quarantine.

Italy is fully locked down - that’s the world’s eighth largest economy. China is just turning the corner after about 6.5 weeks of lockdown in Wuhan. They’re the second largest economy. Hard to see any path to either of them avoiding a recession now. The US is about two weeks away from being where Italy is right now.

We may be able to take just enough measures that are little and late, but not quite too little and too late, to avoid going through healthcare system capacity. But, again, if we do, we will obviously be crippling the economy (as we should).

So, yeah, I’ll buy the 20% dip from the peak, but I am pretty confident I’ll be able to work more money in as it continues dropping. We’re drawing very live to a lot of very bad shit for humanity, society, and the economy.

Buckle up