Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

They might just be burning capital from some investors chucking money at anything “crypto”.

I for one think it’s very reasonable for tsla to go up 7% every day

Stonks: Meh, who cares?

Bought on Christmas Eve, it’s been a fun few weeks on the FTFT train. All aboard!

Decided being up 358% in 2 weeks was good enough though, bon voyage FTFT!

Tesla on pace to be the worlds largest company by the end of January.

When this joke take turns out to be dead on.


Is there anyone out there openly shorting Tesla? This is insane.

Jeff Bezos is so pissed he’s #2 now that he’s buying TSLA to catch up


No one can. It’s lighting money on fire to do it.

I think hes more likely to demand that they pay Amazon workers even less so he can catch up.


I’ve tried to short it, but my orders have never been filled because there aren’t any shares to borrow.

Thank God.


Burry has been shorting it for a while

it has not gone well

IEMG is up 2.5% today, and it’s risen 35% since I significantly increased exposure within the past year.

Anyone else have a chunk in emerging markets?

So hes essentially running a martingale?


Now stonksss back to chugging away


lol anyone who ever says markets are efficient lololol

Who are you trying to short through? I have been short several times and never had a problem borrowing shares through Schwab. I cried uncle again a few days ago for now.

Why not just buy puts?

Didn’t he almost go busto shorting the housing market? Shorting is a dangerous game.