Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Thanks! Hopefully TurboTax would figure this out for me, but I’ll check

There is a way in TurboTax to take itemized for less than the standard. Just write down your total net (GA+Fed) for each scenario.

Sklansky + Toothsayer BFI thread

The “who else am I supposed to ask about it?” from DS in the reply is so fucking hilarious. Ya man a literal conspiracy nutter is definitely your only source to ask about whatever you are jabbering on about.


Of course Sklanksy would be gullible enough to think that TS is smart.

I used to be that gullible to be fair. I own that among many many many other dumb mistakes I’ve made.

He’s good at fooling people because of the way he talks, but most have enough emotional iq and pick up enough reads to eventually realize he’s a fraud.

Yeah… he talked a good game on finance for a long time. Then came the decline.

Massive Netflix earnings miss today.

Just like coronavirus, right?

I don’t understand how they can hit target on revenue but miss on expense. What expenses were unexpectedly high in Q2 2020?


Huge lol at all the people in Mason’s book thread saying DS was smart and would crush standardized tests

“Netflix missed analyst expectations on earnings per share largely due to a one-time charge in California related to research and development tax credits.”



And then down for 3 straight days. And then up 6% so far today. STONKS

Is Exxon a meme stock with the Robinhood kids?

I’m confused are these robin hooders actually doing anything or is it just a meme? I see lots of ok boomer type finance writers explaining recent moves as being due to these kids but I mean their liquidity must be 0.001% of the market or something.

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Yeah I’d like to know too. Something is sending this market into levels of irrational exuberance not seen since the dotcom bubble. Whenever that happens you tend to look at what’s new this time around. Maybe it’s just covid.

I mean I’d suspect it’s the people who know they can get out first at the top that are pumping it up. Many it’s a bit tinfoil hat but these are weird times we live in.