Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Probably somebody’s programmed trading system got stuck in a whoopsie.

It’s a little hard to believe that index demand is worth +15% of value. Seems more like a just-so story than an explanation.

Looks like we are in for another wild day of STONKS today. Every stock prediction I ever make is wrong but it’s hard to see how ever worsening Covid news plus bad earnings over the next two weeks makes the market do anything but go down.

So accordingly WichitaDM Q3 SPY target is 370.


370c 10/17 would probably still be expensive somehow.

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This is all totally priced in to the extremely hyper efficient markets.

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Now so you understand why @riverman is a index investor?

Contact Vanguard or Fidelity and tell them what you want to do. They will tell you what to do and in some cases do it for you.

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You need to separate 2 things:

  1. The mechanics of rolling over the assets from the 401k to the IRA.
  2. The decision of what to do with the assets once they’re in the IRA.

The most important thing in step 1 is making sure you don’t trigger taxes. If you do a direct transfer, there’s ~0 risk of this. But if you withdraw the funds from the 401k and then deposit them into a new IRA, you face greater risk of being taxed, either because you end up forgetting to deposit into an IRA in time or because the paperwork gets dorked up.

I’d contact the IRA place (Vanguard, Schwab, Ameritrade, whoever) and tell them you want to establish a new Rollover IRA and ask them to handle the direct transfer. They should be happy to do it.

Once the money is in the IRA, invest in low-fee passive index funds.


Everyone should be an index investor!

It mostly cements the fact that I want/need riverman to be an enormous skeptic towards any polls that show Biden with a lead.

But dammit the fade Riverman strategy has to be a road to riches. So there’s something there.

It’s like how I always want to take the wrong exit when two freeways meet (N vs. S or E vs. W) - like 90% of time - way worse than random. Something inside of me knows the right answer and always picks the wrong one.

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  1. I still think Tesla is going to $0

  2. It is absolutely insane that they aren’t using their stock as currency to buy businesses that, you know, actually earn cash


You can’t be a top tier meme stonk by doing things like earning cash. You need stuff like Teslas orbiting the earth, Gigafactories and science fiction like business plans that have no basis in reality.


Love how we went from “omg the tech bubble is finally popping, this is the start of the second leg down” to a standard 1% day in like, 4 hours


lol, sold my TSLA this morning at $1556. Felt like super pro trader for a few hours…Now I’m wondering if I should have waited for the Q2 earnings report.

oh well!

STONKS are ripping into close today.

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And your CEO getting baked with Joe Rogan. That’s probably worth $50B in market cap all by itself. Another $50B for tweeting about red pills.


The coup in Bolivia probably helped a little

No way I would ever have the heart to bet either way on TSLA. this stonk is just bananas. One of my favorite 22 moments was TS talking our good friend Awice out of going all-in on TSLA stock and the Awice got furious when it went through the roof. I wonder if he ever finally decided to buy.


Awice made what 100k betting on Trump on 22? It was some absurd number so him getting talked out of a fortune by 22 moron legend TS brings me great joy.