International Soccer: POCH

Going to be what, 7 or 8 minutes of stoppage?

Sounds a bit high. I’d guess 5 or 6.

We’re going to lose at the last second

That, is a fucking excellent save.

That hit Adam’s arm but was never a foul

Mexico is dominating

That was predictable and dirty

xG is a hilarious 0.8 each right now lol


Should be 8

Brooks needs to put a hip into the forward there and protect his gk before he gets hit

Seems crazy low for each team.

Maybe 10 minutes of added time at this point.

fuckin hell let’s fucking play ref

Stoppage will go until Mexico scores

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well that was the third time they yelled that chant, so step 1 now?

Also fuck guys I gotta work

What’s the chant?

Should be a PK for USA imo

Puto - basically the equivalent of f**

been doing it forever

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only two minutes added to stoppage time is fuckery, but whatever I gotta work

There were like 2 minutes of action in that stoppage time.