International Soccer: POCH

Time to get excited for frustration all over again

Canada up 2-0 against Suriname. A draw would put them one home/home from qualifying for the final round for the first time since 1998. Would play Haiti June 12 and 15th.

CONCACAF missing a clear pen for Canada, why I’m watching this I’m not sure. Davies against Suriname defenders is pretty lol.

Why Suriname, who is clearly in South America, is in concacaf likely comes down to bs reasons.

4-0. I like the Canadian team. Hope the get into the finals. Would have an outside chance at making the 4 spot.

I think its fine. There are other examples of countries playing out of region (Israel and Australia are the first ones that come to mind). Suriname in CONMEBOL would be a complete joke. In CONCACAF there are plenty of countries at their level. It’s like the opposite of the Australia situation.

It’s at the point where everyone is a starter on an OK team at least now. A decade ago you had guys as like, bench options in league one or worse.

Kaye is legit one of the better midfielders in MLS, our three best attackers are the best top 3 in concacaf. The defense, depth are not near USA or Mexico, but Davies or David could produce a moment.

Biggest problem for Canada will be home field in concacaf is so huge, ours is probably the least advantageous.

Israel is only in uefa because fifa didn’t have the balls to kick out the countries that refused to play Israel and allowed the Arab league to kick them out of the afc in 74. Not a great example.

Suriname ain’t close to doing anything in concacaf either

I don’t know, man. Israel playing a bunch of away games in the Middle East seems like it’s a fucking recipe for disaster, even if those other countries did agree to play Israel. Keeping them apart seems like not a terrible idea, even if how it came to pass was suboptimal.

It could be done. The reason why it wasn’t done was bigotry, not security concerns

Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. It was done out of bigotry, but the security benefit still exists.

I hear what you’re saying, but FIFA is mostly in the business of making $$$$, for themselves through direct bribes and for their corporate sponsors for the lucrative kickbacks. They are not in the business of taking courageous political stances.

You have very low expectations for them. I’d venture to say they might be slight faves for 3rd. Costa Rica and Panama look old and don’t seem to have young replacements for their aging golden generations.

No way they’re slight favs for third before they qualify for the final group. If they get in? Maybe I suppose. Have a hard time buying that for a team that hasn’t made the hex since 1998

I remember watching the team that won the gold cup. Until last year, our best player ever was Dwayne DeRosario. It’s kind of like the US with Donovan, although he was obviously better than DDR. Pulisic and Reyna are in a different stratosphere. So are David and Davies. The talent is so, so much different.

Well yah, I was assuming they’d qualify. But I’d happily take Canada to qualify ahead of any single team besides either of the Estados Unidos in a wager once Canada is in.

Not only that but many of the guys rounding out the squad are upper tier MLS guys. I feel like before it was maybe 2-3 MLS level guys then a bunch of CPL level players.

Even a handful of years ago you’d see Canada were playing, look up the squad, see a few players who you hadn’t heard of and see they literally didn’t have a current squad.

The core of the team now has the talent of a 2010s US team, with 2 guys who would make any team in Europe. (Might be a stretch for David for maybe the top 4)

Davies would start for France/England etc, David would start for any team beyond the top ~7 and Poland.

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They’ve got some decent depth as well. Larin and possibly Cavallini might start at the #9 for USA and they’re backup options for Canada.