Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

Yeah, similar situation for me. Except wife was easily convinced of the practicality of minivan over SUV. Also I won’t really be driving it, so that’s a plus. But I’m still a minivan owner, which is weird to wrap my head around. I’m beginning to understand why middle aged bros buy some sort of obscene sports car at around this stage of life.

This is what I did. It works extremely well for an ordered vehicle, since all bids are for identical vehicles. You don’t have to account for what happens to be on their lot or what they are able to obtain.

We’re planning to remodel our bathroom, so went to the showroom to pick out a new Toto space-aged toilet. We found the one we liked, asked to buy it, and were told:

“Due to supply constraints, your toilet, along with every other one in our showroom, is on a 2-6 month back order. This is true throughout the country and for every maker.”

So basically there are no new toilets available anywhere in Japan right now.

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Link to toilet? I’m interested in Japan’s cutting edge toilet technology. This is one of the top of the line Toto’s you can get here. I’m assuming that’s nothing compared to what you’ve got over there:

Ours is also a Neorest, but one that’s about half that price.

Some have lids that open automatically. Some have various self-clean functions. The tech should be basically the same though.

One thing I can say. Once you’ve had a washlet, there’s no going back. I refuse to stay in any hotel or Airbnb without one.

I thought since you’ve been there for so long that you would know that Japanese people don’t need to use the restroom ever, that’s why everything is so clean. The fancy toilets are for show so nobody else finds out.

Definitely not true of my wife.

My favorite fancy toilet feature, usually only equipped on those in public places, is the “flushing sound,” to be played while making #2 to mask the farting.


When I was in the market for one, the coolest feature I saw was one with a no touch seat lifting capability. Of course, the lid will open when you walk up to it, but the seat is still down. Now you could just press the button on the wall-mounted touchscreen to raise the seat, but pressing buttons is for plebes.

So, they had this motion sensor on the side of the bowl. If your just moved your foot near it, it would cause the seat to go up.

This model probably had some other features that I don’t remember, but it was about 2K more expensive than the next best option.

I’ve found I don’t like the auto lid and seat lifting features. They often don’t work exactly as you would prefer, and it ends up being more of a hassle than just lifting and closing manually.

I didn’t get auto seat lifting, but my auto lid lifting works fine, but I think a lot of it depends on your bathroom setup. We only have it in our master bath, which is a pretty good size room and has a water closet. In a smaller bathroom, I could imagine the lid lifting all the time when you didn’t want it to. That even happens to me once in a while, but it is no big deal. Most importantly, the opposite problem never occurs. It never stays shut when you want it to open.

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We recently received an $11.00 check from something called D4C Dental Brands. Absolutely no idea what it’s related to, other than it saying “Adjustment” and listing an invoice number that I don’t recognize. I figure there’s a 50/50 chance of it depositing vs. ending up with a bad check charge to me, but I feel like gambling.

I don’t know what the scam could be for someone to send you a bad check out of the blue.

I assume it’s a legitimate adjustment for something you paid for.

Take it to one of those check cashing places and exchange it for nine lottery scratchers imo.

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We have two kids who have/had orthodontics, so it’s not inconceivable that this is just a dental supply company that we got overcharged for. (It’s not the name of the orthodontics practice, though.) I just don’t think I can recall ever receiving a check from an unknown entity without any explanation.

I don’t have a fancy toilet, but buying soft-close toilet lids is money well spent. I get so used to them that I accidentally slam the lid down anywhere else.

I think there’s a lot to unpack here but mainly the $200k/year paid to the nanny for 1 kid. I get that its like a 80-100 hour a week job but it’s also rent and probably food free situation.

What are the odds the nanny is white?

Is it obvious that it’s a single live in nanny vs a rotation of 2 or 3?

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Most mega rich people have 24 hour nanny shit happening. 2 for the day plus a night nurse (rich people ain’t got time for breast feeding)