Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

Is one of the areas suited to setting up a home gym? Setup a poker room for home games?

Love the arcade room idea. Had one of those with roommates in a house right after college. The one thing to know with arcades is you need to know how to fix them yourself or have a friend who will do it cheap for you because small repairs come up often.

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You could rent the spare rooms out to young Eastern European women and spend your downtime staring at the clothes they hang out to dry?


Yeah, that’ll be done and already counted. Whether it fits in the small side room downstairs or has to go in one of the main areas determines whether it’s 1 or 2 extra rooms, basically.

I thought about that, but I don’t really have people to play home games with. The people in my private game, some I’m okay with knowing where I live, others… not so much.

Right that would be an issue for me, and it looks like the stuff I’d be interested in (Skeeball, and a racing game like San Francisco Rush or Cruis’n World) would be low four figures expensive. When I was a kid I had the Fisher Price triple arcade thing and used to love it. It had pinball, a small version of skee ball, and a basketball hoop. I called my Dad to see if they’d gotten rid of it, and they have. It sat in the garage for years lol… It was more of a kid’s thing, but the nostalgia alone would have been cool with all the extra space.

Yeah I have the Mazda 6 signature and I love it.

My wife has a CX-5. She had a CX-9 before that which we sold to my FIL and he’s still using it, running great.

Mazdas are fun to drive and good value and reliability.

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Haha that seems… Expensive?

Yeah I like the idea of that. What am I looking at in costs?

Got a good resource to get started? Having spinach would be pretty awesome, I use 5-8 leaves in my breakfast wraps most days, and I put some in my Thai red curry.

Spinach is the easiest you can just grow it in your tub.


Update: I underpaid by $350 and told them what I was doing, no response.

Meanwhile, still no lease from the new place. I called the realtor and she sent me straight to voicemail. Yesterday she told me she’d get it to me last night, today at the latest. Unsolicited, she promised she wasn’t showing it to other people… which of course makes me assume that’s exactly what they’re doing.

Feels like I’m getting screwed again.

Update: Last night she texted me that she’d send me the lease right after dinner. Still nothing. Seems pretty likely that I’m getting jerked around again.

I definitely did not have AA at any point in this hellish ordeal. I’m back in touch with my realtor, going to talk to her later today about resuming the search.

Found out I had my identity stolen today. Someone managed to open a couple of credit cards at Best Buy in my name using a fake address and ran up over $5000 in charges. I only found out because I get my credit report every month and the first late payment showed up. Took me two hours to get it sorted out with the bank because they kept accidentally hanging up on me.

PSA: Check your credit report regularly.


Everybody needs to freeze/lock their credit these days. It’s a PITA and it’s not a guaranty against identity theft, but it decreases the chances significantly.

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My cheat code for not having my identity stolen:

Maintain a sub 500 credit score. Good luck getting a credit card in my name, thieves. I can’t even do that, and I’m me!


I bet you can still get a lease easier than I can, too!

Update: still have not been given the final version to e-sign, realtor non responsive today. I had a friend email the listing posing as a prospective tenant to see if they’re still showing it… We’ll see.

I have a sinking feeling, and I’m running out of time here. I move out in 24 days. I’m going to call my realtor Monday if there’s no progress, take one more run at townhouses and simultaneously start apartment hunting in the suburbs.


It’s official: I’m moving into a townhouse. The lease was finalized today!

I shall have too much space, a private deck for safe outdoor space, a small yard, a small patio, a walkout basement, and a garage to hopefully put a golf simulator in. My fortress of quarantine!

It’s also 1.1 miles from one of my best friend’s house.


Congrats! Must be a huge relief after all the hassles.


Thanks! Most definitely. I was feeling physically sick from the anxiety the last few days. I anticipate finally sleeping well for a few nights.


I really hope this works out for you, you’re good people.