GOAT TV Theme Songs: Bracket Set (Post 1228), Finals: Jeffersons vs. Mssion: Impossible

For streaming, and like HBO, sure. For timed TV, no. Nothing should be longer than The Americans theme.

You ever meet Kruk and Kuip?

A recent theme I really enjoyed and listened to for each episode was the Scott Pilgrim anime. A great toe tapper even though I don’t understand the lyrics.

No. It was usually fly by night stuff when an event was in L.A. and they needed to record voiceover or something (this was how I ended up working on the opening of the premixed 1998 Super Bowl halftime show). I worked on the 2010 Vancouver Olympics for Universal Sports in Westlake Village and ran into some of the others there as most of that stuff was done live to tape or piped from L.A. to Vancouver and shared facilities. That was where I briefly met Andrea. She is not the bubbly personality she tries to project on NBC broadcasts.

Right before the Olympics, I mixed a few nordic combined competitions live to tape, as well for them. Steve Schleger was their up and comer at the time (can’t stand his voice) and he made it to major winter Olympics competition calls on NBC eventually (I loved his analyst). The b-guy who calls stuff for NBC (name escaping me now) but is the guy with Lipinski/Weir on the non-primetime figure skating was a complete doofus. I never met him but am shocked he ever made it further. He’s still insufferable to me. His studio hosting was offensive with how many dumb things he would say. He was basically like Andrea and Michelle Tafoya doing reporting after swimming times ten. He just asked the most nonsensical questions ever, so somehow playing the straight man to Lipinski and Weir I guess worked out for him.

Schleger was getting a big aroma around him and was not friendly when I worked with him. He basically said nothing to me even though I worked with him for 4 hours each time. He was a horrible USA homer (big no no in commentating) and made tons of mistakes, but his producer/director was one of the best I ever worked with in the business and he corrected all that stuff before he made it to NBC.

Steve ‘Psycho’ Lyons did the calls with Physioc on the All-Star series. He was cool and friendly (almost all analysts are friendly from my experience, because they’ve been in the ‘show’ and have no ego related to calling games), but he used his foreknowledge of the games’ outcomes (all previously taped that they did calls over) to make himself seem like a genius when he clearly was not. At least he admitted in a break that he loved that he knew what was coming in advance to sound smarter, probably for a change.

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I repped him for a bit back in the day. He told me that the Cal Ripken / Kevin Costner story is 100% true. For those who don’t know it:

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I dunno it’s hard to imagine “too injured to play tonight, but play both games of a doubleheader the next day”. Just go out there and suck if you have to. It’s the Orioles. Who cares?

Wow, great stuff

In theory, I wonder if someone could be persuaded to change their vote? :thinking:


Holy shit, did we put Bojack in the running?

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Oh wait, nevermind. Closing credits wouldnt play here. Much better than the opening credits.

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Can’t believe I forgot that.

But also forgot to consider telenovelas

I lost so much money to my in-laws playing mah jong with my niece watching this in the background.

Did Brooklyn 99 make the list?

Nope and that was an oversight

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My own fault for not getting it nominated, too busy moving to do internet things… weak.

This tourney is going to take a few years if we keep going at this pace.

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Yeah I think a 24-48 hour window for each set is the max we need.

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Do you have plans or something?


I might die before it’s over.