GOAT Sandwich Tourney! (no actual goats were harmed)

I’m the exact same

Liverwurst > chicken salad

Good braunschweiger is very tasty. And I’m counting it as a form of liverwurst.

Chop cheese > PB&J

I think PB&J love is mostly nostalgia and I’m never paying for one.

Monsieur > Madame

Adding an egg just seems like fps.

The rest

Something I’ve eaten > something I’d never heard of, and a couple of no brainers.

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I like tuna melts, and the Chinese hamburger was still a snap call for me. I’d slam two of those for lunch multiple times a week when I lived in China. Got them from a husband and wife who ran a little food cart. Wife made the bread and the husband cooked the meat and assembled the sandwiches.

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Watching this dude make a PB&J from scratch was quality content.

I agree it’s not an elite-level sandwich though.


I think when my kid goes to university I am going to take a shot of creating a small restaurant near the university that specializes on one single dish. Just do one thing incredibly well with very little variety. Imagine actually being able to go and buy one of these sandwiches made from scratch?

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So from the voting results im apparently a Sandwich snob? :face_with_monocle:

Also Mettbrötchen vs. Cheesesteak is a tough draw, so I feel the need to campaign a bit.

Here’s an American who liked it:

Here is another one! :transmet_smiley:

And on the other hand, well…


I’m a German, I like Leberwurst, which to me is a spreadable.

It seems “Liverwurst” is actually more like what I’d call “Leberkäse” (so, liver cheese). Which I also like, in fact I eat Leberkäsebrötchen likle once a week. But also pretty boring.

Always Käse-Leberkäse for me; I haven’t touched straight Leberkäse in years.

Käse-Leberkäse is good, “Pizza”-Leberkäse aka added bell pepper scraps is not, though!

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Chopped cheese is elite. It’s like a cheesesteak version of a hamburger. And they are really easy to make. I thought they looked good when I first saw one, but I was shocked at how far they exceeded my already high expectations.

This is how I learned to make one. I don’t like raw tomatoes, so I omitted that part, but obviously tomatoes are a sandwich staple:

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This. I don’t like liver, chopped liver, and other liver products, but I love liverwurst/braunschweiger. I totally understand people not liking it. I grew up with it, so I developed a taste for it - got my college roommates to try it and they all thought it was gross. Maybe it’s because I grew up in Wisconsin. Feels like a Wisconsin thing.

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the PBJs pictured in this thread are weak af. if you’re not using toast you’re having a really shitty PBJ.

Bacon and bananas help as well. But the PBJ purists are too close minded for that.

Rye bread? FU! Sauerkraut? FU!

Reuban can KMA! Sooner it’s out the better!

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We got some very close races going on. Looks like there are some reuben haters out there which may squelch its chances to go all the way (also it goes up against french dip in the next round).

Tomatoes are weird because some them suck and some of them are the most delicious thing that nature has ever produced. I have had some flavorless, pulpy disaster nonsense from the grocery store, and I’ve had sun warmed tomatoes picked right off the vine in my own garden that are as close to God as I have ever been. #notalltomatoes

Mozzarella tomato basil is great but I don’t think a non-meat sandwich would go deep in a tourney. Though I guess PB&J is a contender.

I don’t like sauerkraut or rye bread individually, but a Reuben is more than the sum of it’s ingredients.

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I think a lot of people who say the don’t like raw tomatoes have never had a good one.

Garden fresh tomatoes are elite. BLT’s, caprese, fresh salsa… all summertime staples.

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We had Oscar Meyer braunschweiger growing up and it was ok, but Aldi carries a German brand that’s great.