GOAT Movie Themes - Last Block of Round 2 posted

Much better :eyes:

I figure I’m alone, but a lot of Springsteen to me sounds like an old man having a stroke. His rendition of Santa Claus is Coming to Town is WOAT.

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Just blew my mind :flushed:

Save up those Disney nominations. Our next competition will be just for musicals and will allow multiple nominations from the same movie.

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Wow really throwing Anna Karenina under the train with this matchup



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Can I get a @moderators to put this banner at the top plz

Should the link be to this thread?

I edited slightly to make a bit cleaner - let me know if it doesn’t look right to you.

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We need a thumbs down button so bad! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Perfect. Appreciate you.


Wut. I love the film but the soundtrack is mid as fuck.

The Oldboy theme is a timeless work of art.




Not sure if this has been submitted or even if it counts because it’s a documentary, but this score perfectly fits the movie it was made for imo


A true grunch

I fucking knew it. I knew I was going to click my vote into the lopsided Braveheart-St. Elmo’s matchup and see some bullshit going on in the ongoing results.


You are nuts the crimson tide soundtrack played on loop on every cinephiles stereo in the 90s. I’ve seen old boy like 10 times and couldn’t pick that theme out of a crowd.

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Hadn’t thought of this but agree it’s perfect for the film.

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<taps the “I fucking knew it” sign>

Jurassic Park is a legit contender to ship the whole thing and STILL isn’t shutting out The Village 100% to 0%. That Village theme is pretty good while being WILDLY overmatched; these are goddamn sympathy votes.

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This one seems to have slipped through the cracks.


I…can’t disagree that I voted for The Village in part because I nominated it. I want it to live to fight another day, but it’s just bad luck for it to go up against a GOAT straight out. I’d have preferred to see it against Hans Zimmer or Klint Mansell.

This is going to be a lot of fun, because I’m so much less familiar with these than the TV ones.

Will vote tomorrow.

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